[PeDAGoG] Next Online Discussion in Feb 2022

UPAMANYU DAS . upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in
Wed Feb 16 11:58:09 CET 2022

Also attaching the Ethics document for PeDAGoG put together by Working
Group 5 for everyone's viewing.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 4:25 PM UPAMANYU DAS . <
upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in> wrote:

> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
> Here is the link to the recording of yesterday's meeting:
> https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/bImQGk9yi6GmkudVyLwb66_AF4VTPo9Jr22Glt130a-WnRmE-BRqgUjCgUOSnkJc.tjy4JPgzlW_HphxI
> Also attached are the minutes of the meeting. Please take a look at some
> of the new ideas that have come up during the meeting, and let us know if
> you'd like to volunteer.
> *PeDAGoG Meeting - 15th Feb 2022 *
> *Attendees:* Ashish Kothari, Vasna Ramasar, Upamanyu Das, Massimo de
> Marchi, Pallavi Patil, Sujit Sinha, Melanie Bush, Christian Stalberg,
> Laurence Davis, Adrian Schlegel, Elizabeth Rahman, Irene Sotiropoulou,
> Kaustubh Rau
> PeDAGoG member list:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sY1zrrRvYYh0l-6qCmRjQJwKun4BJMOH7jRJ7XK2huI/edit?usp=sharing
> *Meeting notes:*
>    - Pallavi: On the question of PeDAGoG expanding, there are many people
>    interested in the network. This is especially as courses on sustainability
>    and environment are also becoming more important, so we can tap into these
>    groups further.
>    - Melanie and Vasna: It might be helpful to create a ‘moment/event’
>    that brings people in the network together to help with identity formation.
> *Update on Working Group 1 on creating a repository of online materials*
>    - For the purposes of creating an initial repository, the RED website
>    ( https://radicalecologicaldemocracy.org) will host material from
>    PeDAGoG.
>    - John Foran, Sujit Sinha and Adrian Schlegel are working on this
>    activity. They are going though the different kinds of materials that are
>    to be uploaded and looking at ways to organise them. It might possibly take
>    another month or so for the uploading to begin. The WG is looking forward
>    to suggestions and volunteers.
> *Update on Working Group 2 on inward-facing events*
>    - We can make plans to host programmes/webinars where we can learn
>    about each other's approaches in depth. *(more on this in Comments)*
> *Update on Working Group 5 on an ethics document*
>    - Ethics document has been prepared and sent out by Angging Aban to
>    the group. It will be uploaded on the RED website as part of the write-up
>    on PeDAGoG.
> *Comments*
>    - Laurence: The online repository will be a really useful resource. It
>    will help students to move beyond ‘theory’ and towards witnessing
>    real-world practices. Alternatives mapping is another extremely useful area
>    of interest. We should also look at strengthening ties with networks and
>    other groups that are doing similar work. A collective discussion on
>    ‘pedagogy’ is also required, especially for institutionalised educators to
>    break out of their pedagogic ‘ruts’ and core assumptions that tend to
>    dominate the discourse of education.
>    - Sujit: One of the courses we taught was around education through
>    hands-on work, which was also an idea of Gandhi. Pallavi is working on a
>    project trying to locate such similar pedagogic practices from around the
>    world. The repository we are collecting (as part of WG1) will also help in
>    educating in different ways, helping more diverse groups access such
>    pedagogic materials.
>    - Massimo: It is important to maintain the network and share our
>    experiences, as well as optimise the participation within the network.
>    There is also a need for putting together resources which should be used
>    for highlighting (grassroots) stories alongside our pedagogic materials.
>    Sharing our common goods, time, stories, visions, and experiences is very
>    important.
>    - Vasna: We should look at ways to overlap and collaborate with other
>    networks, such as Ecoversities.
>    - Elizabeth: Knowledge exchange is a process that we have been working
>    on so we have some experience with that. Alongside sharing of knowledge, we
>    also want to see some grounding actions. Thinking about how to use our time
>    to achieve some of these goals and also have a larger impact will  be
>    important.
>    - Ashish: On the mapping process, GTA has been working on an open
>    sourced Mapping software to map alternative networks and practices. While
>    it won’t document all alternatives processes across the world (as that
>    would be impossible), it will cover many important grassroots practices,
>    organisations etc. The Map will allow for anyone to add to it, so we can
>    have a subsection on alternative pedagogy-based mapping which PeDAGoG
>    members can lead.
>    - Elizabeth: As part of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, we are
>    planning to work on a series of open talks on radical pedagogy. We can see
>    how to include PeDAGoG in that process.
>    - Christian: I’m interested in the idea of radical pedagogy, with
>    time, I would also look to contribute.
>    - Sujit: Audio-video material is also important, as mentioned by
>    members here. The problem is that there is a huge amount of such material,
>    and we need to put together small write-ups for these materials for better
>    organisation and ease of access.
>    - Ashish: We can look at internship opportunities for support as well.
>    - Pallavi: On the question of knowledge sharing, we can possibly try
>    one event for inward-facing sharing, and we can then look at whether we
>    would like to have more such inward-facing events, or public events.
>    - Elizabeth: It might help now to figure out some initial ideas for
>    speakers for the sharing sessions. Suggestions include Christian, and Sujit
>    and Pallavi.
>    - Laurence: To avoid the problem of the same people always presenting,
>    we can send an open invitation on the PeDAGoG list if anyone would like to
>    share their work.
>    - Ashish: We can also look at groups and communities outside our
>    networks as well, such as the Kurdish Rojava movement or Zapatistas.
> *Ideas to work on:*
>    - Series of webinars/knowledge sharing among the participants -
>    Elizabeth, Pallavi, Christian
>    - A global mapping of alternative learning and education
>    practices/networks (as part of the GTA Mapping process)
>    - Using ‘events’ to highlight the work of PeDAGoG and alternative
>    pedagogies.
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 8:31 PM Ashish Kothari <ashishkothari at riseup.net>
> wrote:
>> Dear PeDAGoGians, we start in 5 minutes, do join if you can,
>> ashish
>> On 15/02/22 3:22 pm, UPAMANYU DAS . wrote:
>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
>> A gentle reminder that we are meeting today at 3 PM GMT.
>> Here is the zoom link for joining the session:
>> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6717720473
>> best,
>> Upamanyu
>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 5:15 PM UPAMANYU DAS . <
>> upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in> wrote:
>>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
>>> A gentle reminder that our next meeting is on 15th Feb at 3-5 PM GMT.
>>> Here is the link for joining: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6717720473
>>> best,
>>> Upamanyu
>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM UPAMANYU DAS . <
>>> upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> There was a slight mistake in my previous email -- the next meeting is
>>>> to be held on *15th Feb* at *3-5 PM GMT* (*not GST*). Apologies for
>>>> the confusion. I will send across a link for the meeting soon.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Upamanyu
>>>> On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 4:33 PM UPAMANYU DAS . <
>>>> upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in> wrote:
>>>>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
>>>>> Our next PeDAGoG meet is scheduled to be held on 15th Feb at 3-5 PM
>>>>> GST. We will send across a link for same soon!
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Upamanyu (GTA)
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 7:32 PM UPAMANYU DAS . <
>>>>> upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
>>>>>> Hope you're all well!
>>>>>> We are planning to host our next meeting in mid-February. Please find
>>>>>> below a Doodle Poll for everyone to indicate their availability, Do fill it
>>>>>> in *before 31st Jan *so we can finalise the date:
>>>>>> https://doodle.com/poll/qh4daremvf7kdt6d?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
>>>>>> The broad agenda of the meeting is to continue with updates from the
>>>>>> different working groups, including ways forward. Please feel free to
>>>>>> suggest additional discussion points.
>>>>>> Please see the email chain below to find the minutes of the
>>>>>> previous meetings.
>>>>>> best,
>>>>>> Upamanyu
>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 5:57 PM UPAMANYU DAS . <
>>>>>> upamanyu.das18_dev at apu.edu.in> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
>>>>>>> Below are the minutes of the meeting held yesterday.
>>>>>>> For those who couldn't attend, please read through the next steps
>>>>>>> charted out by the various working groups and feel free to volunteer
>>>>>>> wherever you can help.
>>>>>>>    - *Check ins*
>>>>>>>    - Angging: from UPCIDS Alt Dev team
>>>>>>>    - Adrian Schegel: Masters student from Germany working on
>>>>>>>    post-colonial studies
>>>>>>>    - Sujit Sinha: Ex-professor, living utopian, writing and
>>>>>>>    translating texts into Bengali for grassroots movements as well as working
>>>>>>>    on audio visual materials.
>>>>>>>    - Renata Amorim: Phd student from Brazil, working with
>>>>>>>    grassroots movements, connected with the eco village network, looking to
>>>>>>>    find ways to engage and collaborate with the group.
>>>>>>>    - Irene: Researcher in non-capitalist ecologically sustainable
>>>>>>>    economics
>>>>>>>    - Sonali Sathaye: Freelance educator. Alternative education
>>>>>>>    linked to alternative economics is an area of interest. Working on a course
>>>>>>>    on Climate Change for school students.
>>>>>>>    - Rama Mohana: Faculty at IIM Ahmedabad, part of this group
>>>>>>>    largely to learn about alternative education and contribute where possible.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: works with Kalpariksh, Vikalp Sangam, Global Tapestry
>>>>>>>    of Alternatives.
>>>>>>>    - Upamanyu: KV, VS, GTA
>>>>>>>    - Vasna: Lund University, Sweden, GTA Core, WOmin
>>>>>>>    - Arvin: UPCIDS Alt Dev, Community organiser in urban poor
>>>>>>>    community.
>>>>>>> *Updates from working groups Working Group 1: Pedagogic and
>>>>>>>    knowledge sharing to build and strengthen repositories of materials*
>>>>>>>    - The group made a list of the kind of materials people tend to
>>>>>>>    share on Pedagog. The next question is where to save the materials.
>>>>>>>    - One option is to use the GTA platform.
>>>>>>>    - Start an independent website
>>>>>>>    - Shared cloud drive
>>>>>>>    - Funds are required, a coordinator is necessary.
>>>>>>>    *Comments *
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: Easy access is the question. A quick call over the
>>>>>>>    next couple of weeks can help in moving forward. Franco (GTA), Pallav (RED)
>>>>>>>    can help. Flarum is another possibility.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: Another question is whether the space would be passive
>>>>>>>    or interactive. Would it also require an internal and external section?
>>>>>>>    - Upamanyu: Moodle is an option to look into—free open source
>>>>>>>    learning management system
>>>>>>> *Working Group 2: Research collaborations and action research *
>>>>>>>    - A database about the members could be a starting
>>>>>>>    point/referral point to further collaborations. A Google form can be sent
>>>>>>>    out to the group.
>>>>>>>    - Melanie Bush can help in this group with processing the data
>>>>>>>    *Comments*
>>>>>>>    - Sonali: Finding out what everyone is doing on the network
>>>>>>>    could be quite overwhelming. It would be nice to have a framework to
>>>>>>>    process that information.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: This would be very valuable. A questionnaire should go
>>>>>>>    out soon. In order to put the information within a framework, we can create
>>>>>>>    drop down menus (MCQs).
>>>>>>>    *Working Group 3: Co-organization of events (inward-facing)*
>>>>>>>    - Along similar lines to Group 2, and there is more
>>>>>>>    work/thinking required.
>>>>>>>    *Working Group 5: Collective Values and Principles of the
>>>>>>>    PeDAGoG network*
>>>>>>>    - Following document has been worked upon:
>>>>>>>    https://docs.google.com/document/d/17XEzP8uyXYlbMS_RF9tJ7GOB-M1MpOhs/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111534508705890427151&rtpof=true&sd=true
>>>>>>>    *Comments*
>>>>>>>    - Sujit: Many people in this group are part of institutions
>>>>>>>    which might not be in line with PEDAGOG’s ethics.
>>>>>>>    - Vasna: Many of us are restricted by our institutions, but it
>>>>>>>    is important to have these explicit guiding principles within these
>>>>>>>    alternative spaces.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: Agreeing with Vasna, as one of the reasons behind
>>>>>>>    PEDAGOG was to create an aspirational space, to subtly push and learn from
>>>>>>>    each other. These ethics can be a guide to what could be.
>>>>>>>    - Rama: These ethics can be a reference while critiquing the
>>>>>>>    institutional constraints faced by many of us.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: the group can also play the role of advocacy such as
>>>>>>>    with statements of solidarity.
>>>>>>>    - Sonali: On Ashish’s point of solidarity, it can be
>>>>>>>    hypocritical to advocate for anti-capitalist ideas while having comfortable
>>>>>>>    jobs. This network can play a role in promoting alternative livelihoods and
>>>>>>>    real alternatives.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: PEDAGOG is also supposed to challenge our
>>>>>>>    ‘comfortable’ notions, such as finding a balance between lack of
>>>>>>>    remuneration, following our interests, and well-paying jobs.
>>>>>>>    - Irene: There is an imbalance of contributions within this
>>>>>>>    group, there may be a need to push people further and become more strict
>>>>>>>    with the members who don't contribute.
>>>>>>>    - Ashish: Agreeing with the point made by Irene, one view can be
>>>>>>>    to look at the network as a long term project instead of a short term
>>>>>>>    project. There is progress being made by some working groups.
>>>>>>>    *Moving Forward*
>>>>>>>    - *Group 1* will look to hold a meeting in the coming month.
>>>>>>>    Call for volunteers to be sent out to the larger group for help. Ashish
>>>>>>>    will try to loop Franco and Pallav in.
>>>>>>>    - *Group 2* is working on a questionnaire for members, Melanie
>>>>>>>    will also assist the group.
>>>>>>>    - *Group 5* has already put together the ethics framework.
>>>>>>>    Another attempt can be made to send it out for comments. If there are no
>>>>>>>    comments, then we can accept this as a final document for now.
>>>>>>> *Next Meeting:* 1,2,4,5,6 Feb as possible next dates. Upamanyu will
>>>>>>> send out a Doodle Poll soon.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 1:34 PM Ashish Kothari <
>>>>>>> ashishkothari at riseup.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues, a gentle reminder about today's meeting
>>>>>>>> ... do join if you can! See agenda and link below.
>>>>>>>> If anyone would like to moderate this, pl. do volunteer ... you can
>>>>>>>> write back to me, not full list,
>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>> ashish
>>>>>>>> On 27/11/21 5:43 pm, Upamanyu Das wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,
>>>>>>>> Hope you're all doing well!
>>>>>>>> We will be hosting the next online discussion of the PeGAGoG group
>>>>>>>> on 16th Dec 2021 at 2 PM GMT.
>>>>>>>> The broad agenda of the discussion is as follows:
>>>>>>>> 1. Check-ins
>>>>>>>> 2. Update by the working groups - including follow up
>>>>>>>> actions/support required by the groups
>>>>>>>> 3. Plans for the upcoming year - including a discussion on how to
>>>>>>>> make the group more active
>>>>>>>> Here's the link for the meeting:
>>>>>>>> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2598651679
>>>>>>>> This will be a follow-up on the meeting held in June this year. You
>>>>>>>> can access the key points from the previous meeting here:
>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X4p8-Lf6CDDIxyzs8Jc5xx6mb3fB3bSDYsYPbZmJSK8/edit?usp=sharing
>>>>>>>> Lastly, it would be nice if the different working groups formed in
>>>>>>>> the previous meet could provide a short report of their progress to the
>>>>>>>> larger group before the meeting (particularly the working groups on
>>>>>>>> research possibilities and inward-facing events), though we will explore
>>>>>>>> this further during the meeting itself.
>>>>>>>> Looking forward to seeing you all there!
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Upamanyu
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> GTA-PeDAGoG mailing listGTA-PeDAGoG at lists.ourproject.orghttp://lists.ourproject.org/mailman/listinfo/gta-pedagog
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> New, for COVID relief in India! Vikalp Sutra
>>>>>>>> <https://sutra.vikalpsangam.org/>
>>>>>>>> NOW FREE DOWNLOAD! Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary
>>>>>>>> <https://radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/pluriverse>
>>>>>>>> Ashish Kothari
>>>>>>>> Kalpavriksh
>>>>>>>> Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
>>>>>>>> 908 Deccan Gymkhana
>>>>>>>> Pune 411004, India
>>>>>>>> Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450
>>>>>>>> Kalpavriksh <https://kalpavriksh.org/>
>>>>>>>> Vikalp Sangam <http://vikalpsangam.org/>
>>>>>>>> Radical Ecological Democracy
>>>>>>>> <http://www.radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/>
>>>>>>>> Global Tapestry of Alternatives
>>>>>>>> <http://www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org/>
>>>>>>>> https://ashishkothari51.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>> Twitter <https://twitter.com/chikikothari> LinkedIn
>>>>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/ashishkothari1961> Instagram
>>>>>>>> <https://www.instagram.com/ashishkotharivikalp/> Facebook
>>>>>>>> <https://www.facebook.com/ashish.kothari.1297>
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> GTA-PeDAGoG mailing list
>>>>>>>> GTA-PeDAGoG at lists.ourproject.org
>>>>>>>> http://lists.ourproject.org/mailman/listinfo/gta-pedagog
>> _______________________________________________
>> GTA-PeDAGoG mailing listGTA-PeDAGoG at lists.ourproject.orghttp://lists.ourproject.org/mailman/listinfo/gta-pedagog
>> --
>> New, for post-COVID dignified livelihoods in India! Vikalp Sutra
>> <https://sutra.vikalpsangam.org/>
>> FREE DOWNLOAD! Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary
>> <https://radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/pluriverse>
>> Ashish Kothari
>> Kalpavriksh
>> Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
>> 908 Deccan Gymkhana
>> Pune 411004, India
>> Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450
>> Kalpavriksh <https://kalpavriksh.org/>
>> Vikalp Sangam <http://vikalpsangam.org/>
>> Radical Ecological Democracy <http://www.radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/>
>> Global Tapestry of Alternatives
>> <http://www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org/>
>> https://ashishkothari51.blogspot.com
>> Twitter <https://twitter.com/chikikothari> LinkedIn
>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/ashishkothari1961> Instagram
>> <https://www.instagram.com/ashishkotharivikalp/> Facebook
>> <https://www.facebook.com/ashish.kothari.1297>
>> _______________________________________________
>> GTA-PeDAGoG mailing list
>> GTA-PeDAGoG at lists.ourproject.org
>> http://lists.ourproject.org/mailman/listinfo/gta-pedagog
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