[Solar-general] sobre el gobierno de los commons
Diego Saravia
dsa en unsa.edu.ar
Mar Feb 8 17:07:08 CET 2005
el mismo boyle lo admite
On the other hand, however, it fit very well into a new literature on
governing the commons from Elinor Ostrom, Robert Keohane, Margaret McKean, and
many others.135 This litera- [*pg 66] ture was able to show that not every
commons was a tragedy. But the literature also showed that successful commons
were not entirely "free" -- they ran on layers of norms that were frequently
invisible to the legal system, but which nevertheless served to avoid the
various paradoxes of collective action. Whether the examples were Japanese
herdsmen or Silicon Valley programmers, the literature seeks to show just how
the commons was, and should be, governed.136
justamente el tema de la tragedia de los commons se basa en mostrar como si
algo -que aparentemente no es escaso- es sobreexplotado por accion "libre", se
convierte en escaso y o bien fracasa o bien deja de ser comunitario
por suerte con las ideas no pasa lo mismo. - no pueden ser sobreexplotadas -
y he aqui la diferencia esencial entre libertad de ideas y propiedad
"common"/comunitaria/estatal o lo que sea, las diferencias no interesan a
estos fines. La clave es la escasez.
Diego Saravia
dsa en unsa.edu.ar
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