[ProU] Happened, it was natural that their ships s

Bracher egoise en inaras.nl
Lun Dic 28 17:14:21 CET 2009

Merica. The continuous chain of islands that runs from the New Hebrides
across the South Pacific to within two thousand four hundred miles of
the coast of Chile is perhaps the remains of a sunken continent. In the
most easterly of these, Easter Island, have been found ruined temples
and remains of great earthworks on a scale so vast that to believe them
the work of a small community of islanders is difficult. The fact that
they bear some resemblance to the buildings and works of the ancient
inhabitants of Chile and Peru has suggested that perhaps South America
was once merely a part of a great Pacific continent. Or again, turning
to the other side of the continent, it may be argued with some show of
evidence that America and Africa were once connected by land, and that a
sunken continent is to be traced between Brazil and the Guinea coast.
Nevertheless, it appears to be impossible to say whether or not an early
branch of the human race ever 'migrated' to America. Conceivably the
race may have originated there. Some authorities suppose that the
evolution of mankind occurred at the same time and in the same fashion
in two or more distinct quarters of the globe. Others again think that
mankind evolved and spread over the surface of the world just as did the
various kinds of plants and animals. Of course, the higher endowment of
men enabled them to move with greater ease from place to place than
could beings of lesser faculties. Most writers of to-day, however,
consider this unlikely, and think it more probable that man originated
first in some one region, and spread from it throughout the earth. But
where this region was, they cannot tell. We always think of the races of
Europe as having come westward from some original home in Asia. This is,
of course, perfectly true, since nearly all the peoples of Europe can be
traced by descent from the original stock of the Aryan family, which
certainly made such a migration. But we know also that races of men were
dwelling in Europe ages before the Aryan migration. What particular part
of the globe was the first home of mankind is a question on which we can
only speculate. Of one
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