[P2P-F] Fwd: Call for Essays - Visionary Spirit, Autumn Poetry, and More

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Oct 7 14:13:56 CEST 2020

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From: Kosmos Journal <info at kosmosjournal.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 7:10 PM
Subject: Call for Essays - Visionary Spirit, Autumn Poetry, and More
To: michel <michel at p2pfoundation.net>

How We Can Transition and Transform

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Call for Essays -*Visionary Spirit*  Autumn Poetry, and More

*Read this newsletter on our website*
Dear Reader,

Many of the essays we read today begin by enumerating the crises we are
facing. Long-time *Kosmos* readers are already well-informed about the
polycrisis. Some are experiencing loss directly – loss of loved ones,
homes, health and livelihoods – some ‘indirectly’, through a growing
awareness of planetary suffering and the loss of civility and trust. All
these impacts are felt in the collective body, as uncertainty, fear and
grief. The polycrisis has been called a profound global *initiation, *that
can lead to new insight and transformation.

In order for a human future to be possible, we will need to accept
difficult lessons, commit to new ways of being, and work diligently to
restore the conditions for Life to flourish. The archetype of the
Visionary, grounded in love and wisdom is called for now. A wise visionary
understands the challenges and knows that some dreams can’t be accomplished
in a single lifetime. Yet, the visionary spirit is co-creative, intelligent
and optimistic. Resilience is rooted in vision.

*We invite you to give voice to the visionary spirit deep within you. How
are you creating sense from this evolutionary moment? How are you beginning
to transition and transform?*


*Deadline: November 15, 2020 *

*Kosmos* Autumn 2020 Gallery of Poets

*Read selections by Cynthia Anderson, Lawrence Cohen, John Laue, and
Rebecca Smolen. Curated by Kosmos Poetry Editor, Carolyn Martin.*
Cynthia Anderson

*Becoming Sequoia*

To live for thousands of years,
you can’t be perturbed
by every insect or squirrel
or change in the weather.
When wildfire scorches
your skin, you heal and keep
going. Your intention protects
you like an amulet – you push
upward according to plan,
knuckled base nestled
against earth like a fist. You
follow the ways of a shaman,
transmuting air, rock, soil,
water. Your stamina could
build a world from ice.
You have no quarrel with
the sun, or with anyone –
radiating light from trunk
to crown, stretching taller
until one day, gravity takes
you down. Then, you commend
your body to the ground
among seeds already sown
and sprouting, no effort
wasted, birds and stars
sounding your name.

Cynthia Anderson lives in the Mojave Desert near Joshua Tree National Park.
A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, she has published nine poetry
collections, most recently *Now Voyager *with illustrations by Susan
Abbott. She is co-editor of the anthology *A Bird Black As the Sun:
California Poets on Crows & Ravens* and guest editor of *Cholla Needles 46*.
Visit her at www.cynthiaandersonpoet.com

John Laue

*At the Zen Garden*
*– Huntington Museum Grounds*
*Pasadena, California*

Strangely comforting
these single circles
on the still pond’s surface.
They occur like phantoms,
grow, and then are gone.
There’s no apparent cause:
no rocks or raindrops
break the surface tension,
no bubbles from the bottom,
neither koi nor water skaters,
only sky-lit circles
that arise from calm,
subside to calm again.
We leave the place
with no more answers
than we had before,
but more aware of mysteries,
more inclined to let things be.

John Laue, teacher/counselor, is a former editor of *Transfer*, *San
Francisco Review*, and *Monterey Poetry Review*. He has won awards for his
writing beginning with the Ina Coolbrith Poetry Prize at The University of
California, Berkeley. With five published poetry books, the last *A
Confluence of Voices Revisited* (Futurecycle Press), and a book of prose
advice for people with psychiatric diagnoses, he presently coordinates the
reading series of The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium.

FULL ARTICLE | New Cosmology An Evolutionary Transition Is Coming—Are You

By Robert Cobbold

*“This is the greatest discovery of the scientific enterprise: You take
hydrogen gas, and you leave it alone, and it turns into rosebushes,
giraffes, and humans.”*

The famous line from cosmologist Brian Swimme is striking because it
transcends the frameworks and categories which we place over the continuum
of life and reveals that, when all is said and done, the universe is not a
noun, but a verb: a single miraculous process of becoming.

People find it hard to conceptualise cosmological, biological, and cultural
evolution as one process. But when we take the tightly compartmentalised
domains of scientific knowledge, bundle them together, roll them out like
pastry, and take a big step back, a few patterns and trajectories, which
are consistent throughout all those successive levels of evolution—from the
Big Bang to the present moment—immediately become visible.

For one—the universe started in absolute simplicity and has evolved toward
complexity. From hydrogen, atoms formed the heavier elements; from atoms
emerged molecules; from simple prokaryote cells came more complex eukaryote
cells; from eukaryote cells came multicellular organisms.

Another—as evolution has progressed, the scales of cooperative organisation
have got larger. When life first emerged on this planet, it was at the
scale of a millionth of a metre. But single-celled organisms cooperated to
form multicellular organisms, and multicellular organisms cooperated to
form groups of multicellular organisms such as shoals of fish, beehives,
and packs of dogs. The trajectory was recapitulated in human
evolution—bands cooperated to form tribes, tribes to form chieftainships,
chieftainships to form city states, and city states to form modern nation
states. In global economic trade, although not yet in politics
cooperation now spans the entire planet.

But it’s the third trajectory which is most interesting for those who study
change: evolutionary change is not linear, but *telescopic*. Evolution is,
itself, evolving, acquiring new creative capacities, and accelerating. *Put
more simply, evolution is getting better at evolving.*


The Rebirth of People and Planet in a Time of Global Emergency

*Image by ejaugsburg on Pixabay*
*An Open Letter from the Spiritual Emergence(y) Community*

Via Dr. Kylie Harris, on Medium

Spiritual emergence/emergency — SE(Y) — refers to a continuum of
experiences representing an unfolding, or *awakening*, of consciousness.
These experiences represent an opportunity for growth and transformation
but are often chaotic and overwhelming, and potentially (mis)diagnosed as
mental illness.

The SE(Y) community consists of individuals who have experienced varying
degrees of mental health challenges in relation to a process of awakening,
along with their advocates and supporters. This community includes
academics, writers, mental health professionals, activists, artists, and
members of the general population. Grassroots programs have evolved into a
social movement that is struggling to keep up with the demands of the
public. This community is inclusive and welcomes anyone who wishes to join

The world’s leading climate scientists now state that there is scientific
support for declaring a state of planetary emergency
In this open letter, we propose that a planetary crisis represents a global
spiritual emergency, and is a catalyst for a global awakening. As humanity
faces the existential threat of the climate emergency, the SE(Y) community
is uniting in a collaborative effort, as individuals who understand the
process of awakening through crisis. We are offering our assistance in
guiding humanity into a new paradigm, in order to co-create and help birth
a *New Story*.


*Kosmos operates 'in the Gift'. Everything is offered freely. There is no
advertising. We are *supported entirely by our generous members.

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