[P2P-F] Fwd: [NetworkedLabour] Fwd: [fse-esf] Commentary on the outcome of the Greek elections by the Blockupy Coordinating Committee; February 1st, 2015
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Sat Feb 7 15:53:17 CET 2015
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From: Orsan Senalp <orsan1234 at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 9:47 PM
Subject: [NetworkedLabour] Fwd: [fse-esf] Commentary on the outcome of the
Greek elections by the Blockupy Coordinating Committee; February 1st, 2015
To: networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org, squares <
squares at lists.takethesquare.net>
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Corinna Genschel <corinna.genschel at linksfraktion.de>
*Date:* 7 Feb 2015 13:36:51 GMT+1
*To:* fse-esf at lists.fse-esf.org <fse-esf at lists.fse-esf.org>
*Subject:* *[fse-esf] Commentary on the outcome of the Greek elections by
the Blockupy Coordinating Committee; February 1st, 2015*
Dear All
sorry that it took us so long to have our (Blockupy) commentary on the
outcome of the Greek election translated. It is from last weekend already,
but here you go:
I thought you still might find it interesting, please share that in your
networks or other mailinglists.
Best wishes
*Instead of a comment: Let’s make our choice. #18M*
Commentary on the outcome of the Greek elections by the Blockupy
Coordinating Committee; February 1st, 2015
We have waited far too long for the ECB to announce the date of the festive
non/opening of their new headquarters. During this time we have asked
ourselves whether we’ve repeated a mistake from the anti-globalization
movement: making ourselves dependent on the agenda and calendars of the
rulers. Now we can say: that mistake was our lucky break.
Because something has happened. The Greek population did not accept what
was considered to be without alternative. They have taken their crisis –
the crisis of daily life, of healthcare, of refugees and migrants, of the
working and unemployed, of schools and families – back to where it came
from: to the German Europe of the Troika, of the austerity mandate, and of
exclusion. They did not give in nor resign after the embittered defensive
struggles of past years. We want to say this without pathos: We bow down
before this resolve and rebellion, before the stamina and the hope that
comes from it.
March 18th is our opportunity and simultaneously our responsibility to form
our own response. In Frankfurt, Germany. In front the ECB and with our
friends from all over Europe and beyond. This is also why we “invented”
Blockupy 2012, firmly held onto it, and developed it into a transnational
space that also operates in Frankfurt, in Germany.
We are also saying this because we don’t want to have false hopes about
what was made possible by the elections in Greece. You can’t just vote
crisis capitalism out of office. A different, better world won’t be
introduced through a cabinet decision but rather through the deconstruction
of a democracy from below and across all borders. This is why we aren’t
placing ourselves on the side of some government project. That is not our
question; that is not our task. We are on the side of the solidly united,
fighting people in Greece and of the societal leftists.
But as long as the new government carries their fight into the European
institutions as opposed to passing the constraints of austerity on to its
own people, there is a chance for all of us. Yes, this opens up the space
for a new quality of political debate around the crisis regime and
neoliberalism and sets in motion a domino-effect in Spain, Italy, and
elsewhere. The opening of this sort of political corridor is what everyone
is now expecting from Syriza – and it’s what Syriza will have to measure
itself against in the future.
Of course this also applies to all the other struggles in Greek society:
those of the migrants, the LGBT community, the anti-fascists, and the
activists against forced evictions, privatizations and destructive
large-scale projects.
However, we should not fall back into the old way of thinking of a main
contradiction, especially in light of the coalition with right-wing
populist ANEL. The opportunity of the Greek elections will not only be
gauged by the government’s dealing with the Troika’s restrictions, but
equally by their relationship to the questions from the left-wing movement.
Social doesn’t work as national, patriarchal, homophobic, anti-Semitic, or
racist. We know that the decision for ANEL was meant to be a tactical one.
We also know that Syriza’s work, like the solidly united, anti-racist
movements, has been a stronghold against right-wing populism and fascism in
Greece. Nevertheless, the decision for ANEL clearly shows what little
leeway the political situation offers and what constraints are inherent in
governmental work. This is also why we must keep discussing and arguing
with each other; there is no need for unconditional solidarity. At the same
time we shouldn’t forget that it’s in the practical arguments where
controversies can become productive.
Avoiding submission under the constraints of government and party politics
is only possible with a strong, independent left-wing movement. Political
progress can only be achieved where it is already a social reality. The
development in Athens has made clear that there needs to be patience and
attention at every position, there needs to be self-organized projects to
create hope and revolutionize society.
The situation that has emerged in Greece cannot be revoked with reference
to ANEL and the government coalition. It goes beyond the question of
parties and governments and its venue is once again Europe. The question
that has burst open for everyone here in Germany is whether or not one
stays on the side of the crisis regime, or moves to the side of those who
are daily victims. Many within the German media – all the way into the
left-wing, liberal milieu – have already begun to clearly position
themselves against “those insolent Greeks.” And less surprising: Brussels
and Berlin are showing their teeth – not only in the direction of Greece
but to all the corners of Europe that have recently made their move.
We also need to make a move. On March 18th we can take to the streets and
clearly show that resistance to the unreasonable demands of the crises
regime is more necessary than ever before; that we can recognize ourselves
in the struggles of the Greek movements for a better life for everyone. In
doing so, we will actively position ourselves against all nationalistic and
racist actors. We need to make the protests in Frankfurt on March 18th
large, not just because the ECB in Frankfurt stands for the reign of the
European elites, but because the crisis is also taking place here [in
Germany] and there is no alternative. We are taking on the challenge. Now.
Corinna Genschel
Mitarbeiterin Neue Soziale Bewegung Kontaktstelle
Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin
Telefon +4930/227-52097
Telefax +4930/227-56183
Mobil +49176/62890775
corinna.genschel at linksfraktion.de
*Links wirkt: Sozial. Gerecht. Friedlich.*
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