[P2P-F] Fwd: [Networkedlabour] Fw: Dalla Costa Archive open by May 19, 2014

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed May 21 15:49:02 CEST 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pat Cuninghame <pgcuninghame at yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue, May 20, 2014 at 12:33 AM
Subject: [Networkedlabour] Fw: Dalla Costa Archive open by May 19, 2014
To: aut-op-sy <aut-op-sy at lists.resist.ca>, Emiliana Armano <
emi_armano at yahoo.it>, Annalisa Murgia <annalisa.murgia at unitn.it>, Claudio
Albertani <claudio.albertani at gmail.com>, Alberto Toscano <
a.toscano at gold.ac.uk>, Ben Trott <b.j.trott at gmail.com>, Gigi Roggero <
conricerca at hotmail.com>, Dario Azzellini <dario at azzellini.net>, Dagmar
Diesner <dagmardiesner at gmail.com>, Alessia Eugenio <
alessia.dieugenio at hotmail.it>, Calderón Eligio <elicar at correo.xoc.uam.mx>,
Eduardo Barrera Herrera <eduamerica2000 at yahoo.com>, Fabian Tompsett <
fabian at unpopular.org.uk>, As Guero <asguero at gmail.com>, Christian Garland <
christiangarland at hotmail.com>, Davide Grasso <davidegrasso80 at gmail.com>,
David Harvie <david.harvie at gmail.com>, Augusto Illuminati <
augustoilluminati at virgilio.it>, Immanuel Ness <manny.ness at gmail.com>, Info
Aut <news at infoaut.org>, InfoFree Flow <iff at anche.no>, Immigrati
Autorganizzati Milano <ciilombardia at gmail.com>, Jason Mc Gimsey <
j.mcgimsey at gmail.com>, Jeff Juris <jeffjuris at yahoo.com>, Jim Fleming <
jim at autonomedia.org>, Alex Kakafikas <ak_g4 at yahoo.com>, Keir Milburn <
keir.milburn at gmail.com>, Lara Maestripieri <lara.maestripieri at polimi.it>, S
Mosala <sikho.azania at gmail.com>, Guiomar Rovira <ondina_peraire at yahoo.com>,
La Mujer Obrera <centromayapan at mujerobrera.org>, Oakland Commune <
bayofrage at gmail.com>, Alexei Penzin <penzhouse at mail.ru>, Renata Solleiro
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enrico.abele at gmail.com>, social movements list <
SOCIAL-MOVEMENTS at listserv.heanet.ie>, networkedlabourlist <
networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org>, Ariel Salleh <ariel.salleh at uni-jena.de>,
August Spies <classwaru at gmail.com>, Feminismos Nuestroamericanos Área
Colectiva <sororidad2010 at hotmail.com>, Emanuele Toscano <
emanuele.toscano76 at gmail.com>, Silvia Federici <silvia.federici at hofstra.edu>,
George Caffentzis <gcaffentz at aol.com>, La Sexta Trabajadores <
aaoc2010 at gmail.com>, Uriel Zavala <suer16 at hotmail.com>, Steve Wright <
steve.wright58 at optusnet.com.au>, Youngsu Won <labour97 at gmail.com>, Mujeres
YlaSexta <mujeresyla6a at yahoo.com.mx>, YoSoy Internacional <
yosoy132internacionalmesa15 at gmail.com>, Myk Zeitlin <
mykzeitlin at googlemail.com>, Massimo De Angelis <m.deangelis at ntlworld.com>,
Massimo Modonesi <modonesi at hotmail.com>

  On Monday, 19 May 2014, 10:29, "Cleaver, Harry M" <
hmcleave at austin.utexas.edu> wrote:

  English version below. The following text is the same as that attached to
this email. NB: a downloadable (pdf) listing of the materials in the
archive can be obtained through the link to the Padova library given below.
My personal thanks to Mariarosa for making all this material available in
an accessible manner. I am looking forward to visiting the library and
doing research there.


Ai firmatari dell’appello perché l’archivio donato dalla prof. Mariarosa
Dalla Costa alla Biblioteca Civica del Comune di Padova fosse al più presto
aperto al pubblico.

Cari colleghi,

ho il piacere di comunicarvi che l’ “Archivio di Lotta Femminista per il
salario al lavoro domestico. Donazione Mariarosa Dalla Costa”, dotato di
inventario analitico, sarà aperto al pubblico dal 19 maggio 2014. Tale
inventario si troverà in forma cartacea presso la sala di consultazione
della sezione storica della Biblioteca Civica e nella pagina web della
stessa Biblioteca Civica alla voce
Si auspica di poter prossimamente rendere consultabili in rete anche i

L’archivio contiene: documenti di Lotta Femminista e della rete dei
Comitati e Gruppi per il Salario al Lavoro Domestico a livello nazionale e
internazionale; documenti di altri movimenti femministi in Italia e in
altri paesi; documenti di altri movimenti italiani ed esteri.
Prevalentemente sono materiali degli anni ’70, ma altri giungono fino ai
giorni nostri. Complessivamente migliaia di materiali in forma cartacea o

Attualmente è possibile consultare l’archivio il lunedì e il giovedì ore
8,30-17,30 (ma occorre richiedere i documenti che si vogliono visionare
entro le ore 13) recandosi alla Biblioteca Civica presso il Centro
Culturale Altinate/San Gaetano, Via Altinate 71.

Per informazioni:
tel. 049 820 4811
fax 049 820 4804
email: biblioteca.civica at comune.padova.it

Ringrazio sentitamente tutti quelli che hanno dato il loro sostegno per la
buona conclusione di questa vicenda e in particolare i proff. Harry Cleaver
e Massimiliano Tomba la cui generosa cooperazione è stata cruciale.

Mariarosa Dalla Costa
(mariarosa.dallacosta at unipd.it)


To all of you who supported the Appeal that the Archive given by Prof.
Mariarosa Dalla Costa to the Civic Library of the City Hall of Padua be
made available to the public without further delay.

Dear Colleagues,
I am glad to inform you that the “Archive of Lotta Femminista for wages for
housework. Donation by Mariarosa Dalla Costa” – complete with a descriptive
inventory – will be open to the public by May 19, 2014*.* This inventory
will be available in paper form in the room reserved for consultation in
the history section of the Civic Library. To facilitate preparations for
on-site research*,* it will also be available in
through the Civic Library's webpage.

We hope it will also be possible in the near future to examine the
documents directly on the web.
The Archive contains: documents of Lotta Femminista and of the network
Wages for Housework at the national and international level; documents of
other feminist movements in Italy and in other countries; documents of
other movements in Italy and in other countries. These materials are mainly
from the 1970s but some are more recent. In total, there are thousands
of items,
including both paper documents and multimedia recordings.
It will be possible to consult the Archive on Monday and Thursday from 8:30
to 17:30  at the Civic Library, Centro Culturale Altinate/San Gaetano, Via
Altinate 71 (but you have to request the documents you want to see before

For information:
tel. 049 820 4811
fax 049 820 4804
email: biblioteca.civica at comune.padova.it

I want to give my heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to the
successful conclusion of this question. In particular, I thank Professors
Harry Cleaver and Massimiliano Tomba whose generous cooperation has been

Mariarosa Dalla Costa
(mariarosa.dallacosta at unipd.it)

NetworkedLabour mailing list
NetworkedLabour at lists.contrast.org

*Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no
record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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