[P2P-F] Transnational and P2P Commons Transitions

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Jul 28 08:12:09 CEST 2014

Gordon, you write

<<I look at your blog everyday and i believe that it was not announced
there.  I did see it in a private note that you sent which which i thought
 also said it was cancelled due to the decision of the core group.  I also
recall that i have not seen any p2p blog posts in about 10 days.>>

it was not announced on the blog, as that would defeat the purpose of not
broadcasting but I did send you the same note privately, it appeared more
discreetly on the wiki without any effort at spreading, just 'for the
record' for those who want to know; we are still publishing 3 items per day
on the blog, 7 days a week, 365 days a year <g> ; something might be wrong
with your feed ? Kevin is in cc , and he may need technical details from
you to check it

<<but something that is not  clear  are you referring to the ecuadoran p2p
team?  or to key p2p people in europe?  Or both?>>

to the intl team of contributors to the p2p-f work, not to the ecuadorian
researchers who are only more loosely associated with our network

<<they don't seem to need to be fed>>

apart from BG, who seems a loose cannon for them as well, they have made a
conscious effort not to feed the controversy (though I do get pressuring
private emails)

Gordon, I am now also no longer responding to this controversy and the
prods coming from you here, I think you know all you need to know; as I
said, I regret to be the focus of your open letter, as the only person who
actually challenged their practices publicly, rather than the focus on the
do-ers of the deeds.

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