[P2P-F] Fw: New Documentary & New Book about Money

robert searle dharao4 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 19 13:38:30 CEST 2012

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From: Positive Money <info at positivemoney.org.uk>
To: Robert <dharao4 at yahoo.co.uk> 
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 11:03
Subject: New Documentary & New Book about Money

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Dear Robert, 
After nearly two years of hard work, there's some real momentum building in the movement to democratise money and reform our privatised, debt-based money system. The next couple of months will see the launch of a new UK-focussed documentary about money (see below), the release of our report on the shift of power from Parliament to the big banks, the release of James Robertson's latest book, entitled 'Future Money', and the birth of a sister to Positive Money in Ireland (below). 
Ben will be speaking at the JustBanking conference in Edinburgh this Friday, which also features Prof Richard Werner, Prof Steve Keen, Josh Ryan-Collins, Molly Scott Cato and the Bank of England's Adam Posen. It seems a few tickets are still available here. 
We're also seeing more economists talk about the ability that banks have to create money. At the Institute for New Economic Thinking conference in Berlin last weekend, even the Chairman of the FSA was talking about 'credit creation' (the economist jargon for banks creating money). 
Next week we'll be making an announcement about something that will really speed up the campaign, and we'll be asking for your help too. 
For now, here's the latest news: 
1) 97% Owned - the New UK Documentary about Money on 1st May 
The first UK-focused documentary about money, money creation and the privatised, debt-based money system will be released on 1stMay! The documentary features interviews with Ben Dyson of Positive Money, Josh-Ryan Collins of the New Economics Foundation, Ann Pettifor, the Jubilee Debt Campaign and other people involved in monetary reform.
You can watch the trailer here:

The documentary will be available free online or on DVDs in two versions (60 minute version focused on money creation and potential reforms and full, extended 2 hour 20minute version). You'll be able to get DVDs from Positive Money - watch this space.
There'll also be a screening in London towards the end of May, and hopefully screenings around the country. More on that soon... 
 2. New book 'Future Money - Breakdown or Breakthrough'
James Robertson is the author of the excellent book 'Creating New Money', which served as the basis for much of our work on reforming the monetary system. His new book has been published TODAY and is highly recommended. 
“…the money system now is like the result of someone “seeking to build a substantial house by working spasmodically on odd portions of the structure on quite isolated plans, fashioning minute details of some upper parts, when he has not set up, nor indeed even planned out, the substructure which is their sole foundation…” 
If you’d like to order a printed version, you can do so via Green Books (and support an independent publisher as well, rather than Amazon!)
3) New video - Banking behind Housing Crisis – Toby Lloyd
Watch Toby Lloyd, from housing charity Shelter, who was speaking at Positive Money conference about the consequences of the current system of money creation by banks on rising house prices, redistribution of wealth upwards, higher inequality and a culture of unearned wealth.
Watch here 
4) TEDx Talk – Changing The Rules of Banking
This is worth watching! Excellent TEDx talk by Simon Dixon on why changing the rules of banking is so important. Watch here
5) 'Sensible Money' in Ireland
A sister campaign has been launched in Ireland. Paul Ferguson and James McKumiskey would like to hear from anyone else in Ireland who would like to get involved in growing this initiative. You can contact them at info at sensiblemoney.ie, and check out the growing website at http://www.sensiblemoney.ie/
6) Help needed: Translators
We need people who can help to transcribe (i.e. type up) and translate the new documentary  97% Owned (see above) so that we can provide subtitles for the hard of hearing or non-English speakers on YouTube (and get this message out to the rest of the world).
For transcription, you simply need to type out what is said for a 15 minute segment of the film (which would take about 1 hours' work, depending on how fast you type). If you want to do this you'll also get to view the film earlier than anyone else!  
For translation, we'll give you a full transcript of the film and you simply need to translate the text into your home language. 
If you want to help, please let us know via email on info at positivemoney.org.uk
7) Upcoming Meetups & Events
EDINBURGH: CONFERENCE "Just Banking" - Edinburgh 19-20 April
BIRMINGHAM: Is banking to blame for poverty and debt?, Sat 21st April
  (…see video invitation by Dick Rogers)
NEWCASTLE: Why Debt Is Not a Choice - Tue 24th April
SHEFFIELD Positive Money Meetup – Mon 30th April
LONDON: Is Banking To Blame for Poverty & Debt? - Mon 2nd April
8) Latest from the Blog
“Mickey Mouse Models” of Economics
‘Decades’ of Cuts and Tax Rises Ahead?
Steve Keen at INET (Video)
Quantitative Easing – Transfer of Wealth from the ‘Poor’ to the Wealthy?
Outstanding Personal Debt £1.457 trillion
Aljazeera: Debt-free Money May Well Be the Solution
All the best,
The Positive Money team Ben, Drew & Mira

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