[P2P-F] [Open Manufacturing] Source Control - Freedom through Sharing The Open Factory - an Open Hardware factory in an Irish Ecovillage.

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 02:51:38 CEST 2011

Devin Balkind wrote:
> the more value a laborer can create,
> the higher the wage they can demand.

Yes, I agree.  Sorry for my wording.

By "wages approach zero" I meant
there is so much work being done
without tokens changing hands.

Not paid in money, but paid instead with product.

They usually do the work because they want the
result for themselves or maybe the are showing off...

I'm talking about the 'artisans' I know of on the
internet that create so much beauty without pay.

[try http://FreeGamer.BlogSpot.com for examples]

When the users are allowed at-cost access to the
sources of production (without paying more than
the real costs of that access) they will start tinkering
and after a bit can fix and build all they need ...
when allowed to cooperate.

This is true for software as much as it is
true for aquaculture.

When the users own the sources of production,
they can be paid with the product itself.

In that scenario, there is no sale of the product,
and so there is also no profit and no reason to
use money at all!?

I'm just saying many would be willing to work for
a co-owned Farm for a wage of food and shelter
never receiving another Federal Reserve Note.

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