[P2P-F] zeitgeist, what to watch

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 09:18:39 CET 2011

Dear Robin,

I think you may find Clare Graves interesting, see
but beware of the more reactionary interpreations that can be made of this,
such as with Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics or Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology
(nevertheless, Wilber's overview is interesting reading)

But essentially what these approaches do is to recognize that humans
generally move through quite recognizable changes that have corresponding
value systems, and that social/cultural systems are dominated by people
congregating about a particular model, dominant at the time. I still like Up
from Eden from Wilber to explain this process. The problem, i.e. the
reactionary danger, is that once you recognize that humans have different
types of complexities, it's easy to become elitist. On the other hand, the
equipotential approach I would advocate, recognizes that we have many
different lines of development, and that we can have a social system which
allows people to connect their 'best aspects', in collective endeavours
where they are the most useful. With this approach, hierarchising
individuals becomes superfluous.

I recently discovered the Human Givens approach of  Joe Griffen and
MIndsfield college, http://vimeo.com/754995. I see this as the first clear
recognition of the relational embeddedness of the human, in a
social,ecological and socio-political framework.

You may want to check the material collated via
http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Relational and

I personally like the work of John Heron and Jorge Ferrer, i.e. the
participatory turn, most.

Sorry that no single source  comes up with that very important question. I
wish I had a clearer vision on who has contributed to such a new vision of
the human,

Contributions by readers much welcome.

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 12:15 AM, robin <robokow at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Michel,
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > could you describe in a little more detail, that 'scholar' and what he
> > should be thinking ?
> >
> Ah, I found what I was looking for. I was referring to this blog post of
> yours:
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/does-human-nature-need-to-change-for-a-p2p-transformation-to-occur/2010/07/31
> I am wondering who within (political) philosophy said similar things,
> about "human nature" that transforms along with changes in our ethical
> believes and social practices.
> I don't think I ever read anything about that and would like to research
> more.
> Thanks!
> Robin.
> p.s.
> The comment on that blog-post is a nice example of a non-free ideology:
> "Naturism is the only (!) way for man (!) to become one with the world".
> Instead of: could be a way for people/ humanity/ to feel (more) in peace.
> And also: "they will enable mankind to one day live as pure and unaltered
> as Mother Nature intended"
> Who is this person to decide if I am as pure + unaltered as nature wants?
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