[P2P-F] [Metacurrency_Project] Open Source Venture: Software Radios

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 04:14:03 CET 2011

Dear Dante,

thanks for sharing these resources with Paul,

very specifically dealing with open and distributed manufacturing is:


On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul, and all,
> nice to see some resonance.
> excerpt from your message :
> *
> *
> *"Up to this point almost all open-source projects have been exactly
> that, open-SOURCE, as in source code. I see no reason why this model
> can't be applied to the creation of a real-world physical product
> dropped shipped to people around the world."*
> *
> *
> Btw, do you know about the p2p foundation clearing house to various
> approaches similar to the one you describe
> wiki : http://p2pfoundation.net
> about 7000 pages or more, including pages such as
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Money_and_Peer_Production
> http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Political_Economy_of_Peer_Production
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Peer_Production
> also electronics - since it was mentioned :
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Product_Hacking
> blog : http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> lists : http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Foundation_Email_Lists
> ---
> examples of physical world implementations :
> http://openfarmtech.org/
> ( or on appropedia wiki : http://www.appropedia.org/Open_Source_Ecology ;
> and p2pf wiki : http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Source_Ecology  )
> <http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Foundation_Email_Lists>
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:39 AM, Paul Hughes <psidoc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm new to the list, but not new to these ideas. I've been dreaming
>> of the day that networked systems would be used to create grass-roots,
>> bottoms-up, decentralized, ad-hoc, egalitarian, open-source economic
>> systems for a long, long time. I'm very happy to find this group!
>> I'm also glad to see John Robb take the initiative in creating an
>> open-source venture for "Picture This". I like it!
>> I think a real test of seeing how robust these new paradigm is, is if
>> we can create an actual physical, shippable product.
>> Up to this point almost all open-source projects have been exactly
>> that, open-SOURCE, as in source code. I see no reason why this model
>> can't be applied to the creation of a real-world physical product
>> dropped shipped to people around the world.
>> To me that ideal product would be a Software Radio.
>> TA software Radio is a device that can dynamically seek out whatever
>> spectrum is available at the moment to communicate with any other
>> equivalent device. This is paradigm busting and revolutionary for
>> several reasons. The primary one being there is more need for carriers
>> (i.er. AT&T, Verizon, Spring, etc.). Any software radio device can
>> communicate with any other software radio device without interfering
>> with existing spectrum use. Each device is a transceiver. This means
>> each device become a node in an ad-hoc, open-source network, without
>> the need for a central carrier. These would first take off in dense
>> urban environments, but over time even the most remote village in the
>> world could hook into the network. This is radical because it would
>> bypass not only all the major carriers but all the major internet
>> providers as well. This is the new internet that everyone hopes will
>> evolve, and the creation of the Software Radio is the key component
>> necessary to make it work.
>> Like the fax machine, one fax is worthless, two becomes meaningful,
>> and thousands become powerful. The same economies of scale apply
>> here, but with one difference. Since a software radio can receive and
>> transmit on any radio frequency, this means the device can pick any
>> broadcast on any spectrum - AM/FM, Ham Radio, CB, TV, WiFi, WiMax, 3G,
>> 4G. Do you see the power of this? So if even if a person has no
>> other device they can transmit to, they can still receive internet,
>> radio and TV all on one device.
>> The question then becomes one of legality. This is a big one, because
>> all the incumbents would be put out of business by this technology. So
>> you can bet that if there not laws on the books now to stop this,
>> attempts to make laws outlawing it will soon come to pass, unless
>> market saturation is reach before then. I think the democratizing
>> power of this technology is too great to not push to develop this
>> technology as soon as possible. As soon as people can see the power
>> of these tools the sooner it will reach market saturation, and public
>> attitudes will push for legality. Should they become illegal under
>> totalitarian governments at least the technology will be out there for
>> people to build their own.
>> As for the practicalities of manufacturing and fulfillment, all of
>> those systems are already in place. There are thousands of prototype
>> and manufacturing companies in China ready to take our seed ideas and
>> turn them into physical, shippable products, drop shipping them off to
>> anyone in the world. Creating online storefronts and affiliates
>> systems for marketing are already being used to great success.
>> The potential market for these devices in the coming years could reach
>> the trillion dollar mark. Those who take the initiative now in
>> creating the first consumer ready Software Radio's will find
>> themselves becoming among the first open-source venture billionaires.
>> Any takers?
>> Cheers,
>> Paul Hughes
>>  __._,_.___
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>> __,_._,___

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