[Centre] Work in the bid

Volker Grassmuck vgrass at rz.hu-berlin.de
Sun Aug 7 23:23:08 CEST 2011

Dear Franco, all,

thanks for pinging us. Yes, you are absolutely right, we have to get moving. I was delayed due to my Lebanon trip and a crashed computer but I did start to work on the sections off-wiki. I am confident that we will be able to work out appealing proposals to most of them. However, two I think are time-critical. 

Since it is an 80% funding, we will have to come up with an additional £1.25 million. Google came to mind. They just committed €4,5 million to an Institute for Internet and Society at Humboldt University that will be launched in October. That might make it less likely that they support another research institute but I could ask. The question is would we feel comfortable with Google? Which other funding partners could you think of? How much could University of Southampton contribute, if any? Do contributions in kind count, i.e. infrastructure for hosting the Centre? What could be sources of sustained funding after the four-year period? Can we mention EU FP8 calls even though we know that the success rate is only 10%? 

The other issue that will take time is finding partners. Here are some candidates:

- Berkman Center, Harvard
- Center for Technology and Society, FGV Rio
- NEXA Center for Internet and Society, Politecnico di Torino
- IvIR, Amsterdam
- MPI for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich
- the COMMUNIA Non-Profit Association
- Rufus, Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation
- Philippe Aigrain, Paris
- Alan Story, University of Kent

Depending on what issues we want to highlight (e.g. open access, privacy, mobile phones, collective management) others come to mind. Given the strong emphasis on creative industries, partners from some of the sectors would certainly be an asset, e.g. the new Games Lab at Paderborn University. But very likely these should be UK institutions which I am less familiar with. How about Mute Magazine?

I could approach all of those mentioned but would like to get feedback from you first. Shall we brainstorm on funding and partners over the next days? I will also send drafts on the other sections so we have something to work with. 


Am 07.08.2011 um 15:31 schrieb Franco Iacomella:

> Hi to all,
> we are almost one month behind the deadline and we got no progress at 
> all in the proposal writing for the "Centre for Copyright and New 
> Business Models in the Creative Economy" 
> (http://p2pfoundation.net/projects/doku.php/centre:resume).
> At this point we would need to evaluate if we got the necessary 
> commitment to achieve the proposal preparation objective. It would be 
> good to know if Jussi and Volker would be able to lead this project as 
> was expected.
> Thanks and best regards,
> -- 
> Franco Iacomella
> _______________________________________________
> Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy
> Wiki space: http://p2pfoundation.net/projects/doku.php/centre:resume

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