[Musix-usuarios] Migrar musix a 64 bits?

Rodolfo Lopez rodolfo.lopez.g en gmail.com
Vie Mayo 29 07:18:38 CEST 2009

En una misma máquina, corduo intel 2,66, 3gb ram, gráficos nvidia,
lancé el test de rendimiento de audacity, el que viene por defecto,  y
encontré los siguientes resultados:

En musix live Alpha dvd:
kernel live es:
Using 57260 chunks of 293 samples each, for a total of 32,0 MB.
Performing 100 edits...
Time to perform 100 edits: 4094 ms
Doing correctness check...
Passed correctness check!
Time to check all data: 30842 ms
Reading data again...
Time to check all data (2): 30835 ms
At 44100 Hz, 16-bits per sample, the estimated number of
simultaneous tracks that could be played at once: 12,3

En XP sp2, modificado con eliminación de recursos innecesarios (
fondo, adornos de visualización, etc) para mejor rendimiento:
Using 63310 chunks of 265 samples each, for a total of 32,0 MB.
Performing 100 edits...
Time to perform 100 edits: 9750 ms
Doing correctness check...
Passed correctness check!
Time to check all data: 4875 ms
Reading data again...
Time to check all data (2): 4859 ms
At 44100 Hz, 16-bits per sample, the estimated number of
simultaneous tracks that could be played at once: 78,3
En debian lenny 32 bits (musix):
Using 57260 chunks of 293 samples each, for a total of 32.0 MB.
Performing 100 edits...
Time to perform 100 edits: 1456 ms
Doing correctness check...
Passed correctness check!
Time to check all data: 2166 ms
Reading data again...
Time to check all data (2): 2159 ms
At 44100 Hz, 16-bits per sample, the estimated number of
simultaneous tracks that could be played at once: 176.2


En Opensuse 11.1 64bits (86_64):
Using 57260 chunks of 293 samples each, for a total of 32,0 MB.
Performing 100 edits...
Time to perform 100 edits: 969 ms
Doing correctness check...
Passed correctness check!
Time to check all data: 1819 ms
Reading data again...
Time to check all data (2): 1818 ms
At 44100 Hz, 16-bits per sample, the estimated number of
simultaneous tracks that could be played at once: 209,3


Si alguien tiene lenny64 bits, favor posteen los resultados.
En una Macbook pro, duo, que me prestaron 5 minutos, el reusltado fue
de 22 tracks simultaneos.


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