[Musix-usuarios] Re: Musix at the National Educational Computing
Marcos Guglielmetti
marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Mar Jun 10 00:33:00 CEST 2008
El Martes, 10 de Junio de 2008 03:18, Marilyn Hagle escribió:
| Marcos,
| Sort of unexpectedly I was asked to participate in the music
| playground at the National Educational Computing Conference in San
| Antonio Texas on July 2. I agreed to demonstrate Musix and pass
| out Musix CDs.
Qué bien!! Re copado!!, ah ,perdón, wow, fantastic!, that's great!
| Do you have pictures of you and your development team that I could
| include in my
| display?
We are people from different cities around argentina, brasil, españa and so on...
But, here there is a photo of me
Here with some friends and collaborators
And I am mailing them now, so if they want to, they could send photos to you at marilyn en fineartsforall.org
There are 8 face photos here
It would be interesting to have photos of "new" collaborators, for instance Daniel VLC, Ariel Errera, Suso Comesaña [1], Carlos Pino [2], Tapani Raikkonen [3], Arturo [4], Jorge Salgueiro [5], and _others_, to make a complete Musix's friends album!!
[1] Suso Comesaña:
* His blog http://susomusix.blogspot.com/
* Screenshot of Musix at work
* His band http://es.geocities.com/susocomesanha/fotomovementowebnueva.jpg
* Site of the Funky-Fusion-Fashion band http://www.movemento.tk/
[2] Carlos Pino
[3] Tapani Raikkonen
[4] http://www.musix.org.ar/imagenes/colaboradores/arturo.jpg
[5] http://www.musix.org.ar/imagenes/jorge_salgueiro.jpg
| I would also appreciate any other ideas you might have.
Well, I am sorry, I am out of ideas: i spent the last weeks trying to build mscore for Musix 1.0 and I made it, but it burned my head :P, also, I am very worried (and doing something) about politics here in my country, related to education and Software Libre...... but,
The Musix Live-DVD has Elephants dream on it, you could play it and/or download play Big Buck Bunny, it would be fine to show what can be made using Blender.
Also, to play a demo on Musix is always a good idea, for instance rosegarden+zapada-lenta.sh
| My plan is to create music & video to play and also give the
| opportunity for folks to play with Musix.
| I just found out about
| this last week, so I don't know all the details.
| Hope you are well!
U2, keep in touch! I really want to see this future video :), maybe you could use some Suso Comesaña Music on it, or some song from www.musix.org.ar/demos.html
| http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2008/
| http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2008/program/search_results_det
| :)
Marcos Guglielmetti - www.musix.org.ar [marcospcmusica en jabber.org]
Actividades que sería bueno seguir realizando: Dialogar con gremios docentes y centros de estudiantes.
Decile NO! a la privatización de la educación en Argentina
0. "Plan de alfabetización digital en base a Software Libre"
1. Informate: http://educarsincadenas.com.ar
2. Te interesa? Unite a una lista de mail específica.
Argentina: http://gleducar.org.ar/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gleducar
Universidades: http://gleducar.org.ar/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/universidad-libre
Iberoamérica: http://rshg010.dnsready.net/mailman/listinfo/coordinadores_educarsincadenas.org
Buenos Aires, activismo: http://rshg010.dnsready.net/mailman/listinfo/bsas_educarsincadenas.org
3. Conocés alguien a quien pueda interesarle?
Debemos llegar a los gremios docentes, no-docentes y centros de estudiantes
Cómo asociarse a SOLAR (Software Libre Argentina)
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