[Musix-usuarios] cosas lindas que da la vida y el software libre

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Sab Feb 23 00:58:39 CET 2008

Esto es una parte de una entrevista que estoy haciendo a un serbio 
llamado Vedran Vucic, luego será publicada en castellano e inglés en 
la versión final (corregida y aumentada), pero quería destacar esta 
pequeña parte, que me emocionó realmente:

3) Why do you do all these social activities? I mean, you maybe could 
be comfortable at any other site, doing only "personal" works.

I am aware that words such as comfort, personal, individual  became 
perverted and they turned to be luxury-as-power, selfish, ignorant.  
I tend to stick with original meanings of those words so my personal 
satisfaction is much higher when I hear from the teacher when she 
says with obvious excitement: "I succeeded to record successfully two 
clarinets and one piano with two mics in the Audacity that you 
installed".  It is great when you see kids growing with more 
knowledge, ability to do many great things and that they develop 
sense for justice.  That is so encouraging, refreshing, inspiring for 
me and I cannot see now something that will be more "important" for 
me.  I have seen a lot of people in misery and with injuries on their 
souls due to hardships we have had during the last 15 years. But, 
when you see joy and hope on their faces that is the most important.   

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