[Musix-usuarios] ayuda con corrección ortográfica/gramatical en inglés
Marcos Guglielmetti
marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Jue Mar 15 21:21:05 CET 2007
El Vie 16 Mar 2007 00:12, Martín Carr escribió:
| 2007/3/15, Marcos Guglielmetti
| > Es simple: una entrevista que le hice a Tapani, quien compila los
| > kernels de Musix:
| >
| > http://www.musix.org.ar/wordpress/?p=70
| >
| > si alguien puede controlar que esté todo bien, le agradecería...
| Muy buena la nota.
| orig -> corregido
| Tapani Räikkönen is a finnish -> Tapani Räikkönen is finnish
| 52 old years man -> 52 year old man
| I made him an interview and here it's: -> I made him an interview and
| here it is: (en inglés escrito es preferible no usar apóstrofes)
hecho :) thanks!
| (how is your family? lo interpretó como: cómo anda tu flia? porque
| contestó My family is fine, están bien :))
Tenés razón, bueno, ahora lo sabemos al menos :)
| Does they like you develop free software? -> Do they like what you do,
| I mean develope FS? (o algo así)
| When and how it was the first time that you met Free Software? -> When
| and how it was the first time you heard about Free Software?
| It's certain that the climate in Finland causes that people depress
| themselves more of the normal? ->
Is it true that the climate there in Finland causes people to depress more
than the usual?
| * Linus Torvalds is like a popular hero in your country, Finland? ->
| Is Linus Torvalds like a popular hero in your country, Finland?
qué animal!! ya me olvidé 1500 cosas del inglés... pensar que fueron 8 años
estudiando... soy un bárbaro
| * The figures of Linus Torvalds and Klaus Knopper had influenced to
| you... -> *
| Have the figures of Linus Torvalds and Klaus Knopper influenced you... (es
decir, te han influenciado?)
| Free Software is something popular in Finland? I know that Firefox
| it's very popular there. (... that Firefox IS very popular... )
| * How long of the day you dedicate to the development of free
| software? -> * How much of the day you dedicate...
ni una bien!! jeje, eso demuestra que ni yo sé bien inglés, ni él se preocupa
por remarcármelo :)
| Did you used free software to accompany your acoustic guitar, record
| it, etc.? -> Did you use free software to play with your acoustic
| guitar, record it, etc.?
| * Why do you like to compile and to use new kernels? -> * Why do you
| like to compile and use new kernels?
ahí no estuvo tan mal...
| * Do you think that free software will advance the sufficient -> * Do
| you think that free software will improve (me parece mejor)
Yo me refería ahí al avance, no al mejoramiento, es decir, a la expansión...
¿cómo sería?
| Elegí las que te parezcan. Buena la nota!!
| Saludos!!
Te agradezco por todo ¿viste el banner en www.musix.org.ar? qué tal? (re
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Marcos Guglielmetti
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
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