[Musix-usuarios] Traverso, I have troubles to install it

Martín Carr tincarr en gmail.com
Vie Jul 7 16:43:10 CEST 2006

Por ahi dijeron que forzando el traverso e instalando por separado las
deps que pide (qt-nosequé) anda. Todavía no probé, llegué hasta las
deps ayer.

2006/7/6, juan Pablo Sastre
> Hi!
> first that everything I must recognize the concerted effort to develop this
> great, and nice-looking software.
> I`m Musix user http://www.musix.org.ar/en/index.html (english translation), a
> distro developed for musicians and sound technician, take a look, and you
> will see a GNU/Linux distro to easy-to-use.
> I have tried to install it, but I have not been able to obtain it.
> I have added the repositorys as it mentioned it in the web-page, with no
> result.
> What can I do to fix it? I mean, to install it.
> I apologise about my english; that needs to much practice.
> Kind Regards
> --
> Juan Pablo
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