[Musix-users] Problems with 0.49 (continued..)

julien bodd julien.lociuro at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 03:09:49 CEST 2006

It's worst than what I thought :-)
rosegarden, the only app I really need, is the one that does not work..(I
looked at the tips with rm ~/...).
It was working when I initially installed the system..but now, after some
reboots..it doesn't want to open anymore..

I cannot manage to circle the errors..

One tip that might help..
when I just click on simple rosegarden, nothing happens..

The partition on wich musix is installed is /dev/hda3,
but when I click on rosegarden+timidity for example,
I get the error :

Using /mnt/hda1
mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /mnt/hda1 busy
mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda1 is already mounted on /mnt/hda1
Disk /mnt/hda1 has    27348 kb of free space

No tiene suficiente espacio en /mnt/hda1 para crear archivo de intercambio
de memoria SWAP. Se necesitan al menos 128mb libres. Libere espacio y vuelva
a ejecutar el programa, o:

Ejecute crear-swap-en.sh e indique el dispositivo a utilizar como parámetro:
Por ejemplo crear-swap-en.sh /mnt/hda2
. Presione [control]+[C] para abortar o presione [enter] para
intentarlo en otro disco rígido

I tried to run crear-swap-en.sh with param /mnt/hda3, and other partitions
too..but it does not want to use them..It only wants to use /mnt/hda1 (on
wich I have another debian..)

I'm lost...:-)
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