[Musix-users] Re: Musix 0.50

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 00:33:16 CEST 2006

El Jueves, 17 de Agosto de 2006 02:46, greg h escribió:
      > synaptic was the name of the program that i used to upgrade, 

Ah, ok.

      > and the 
      > options were set to smart upgrade so i only updated the packages that
      > were already installed.

Mmm. I never used this option.. also, I use apt-get in a konsole.

      > i havent heard of apt-get, nor would i know 
      > how to use it, 

It's not hard... to upgrade the system:

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

(but it would be better to read the manual: man apt-get)

      > as for the xdm when it crashes... well, ill reboot 
      > after updating my packages, and then i get a note saying the xdm dont
      > work and then its a back screen with the login box (text)... and then
      > it runs as if it were in dos or something

Well, this could be easy to solve if I could know what files did you had 
into /etc/rcS.0/

As instance, it should be a file called: S61kdmset

And, also KDM should be installed on your system, to know it, type

apt-cache policy kdm

Then, we could make X to work.

      > Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica at gmail.com> wrote:  El Miércoles, 
16 de Agosto de 2006 23:45, greg h escribió:
      > > hi this is greg i have problems when im getting the english package
      > > updates....
      > What packages?
      > You can tell us by typing your command into konsole (as instance
      > apt-get install your_package), and the copy this by selecting with
      > the mouse, then pasting here into the mail.
      > > i cant remember the name but i update all the debian
      > > packages
      > apt-get upgrade?
      > apt-get dist-upgrade?
      > > and then my X display manager crashes
      > It opens and then crashes?
      > did you tried with videoconfig.sh script?
      > > and i cant repair it
      > > so i have to reinstall musix. is there another way to update musix
      > > safely?
      > MM... I dont know what are you doing: if using synaptic or apt-get,
      > and I dont know what packages are you upgrading
      > > when the XDM goes out i find myself to be in a DOS kind of mode,
      > > still learning the language but not quite there yet
      > If you are using Musix 0.50, you can type menu
      > A menu will appear, and you can go to videoconfig.sh, or something
      > else.
      > > Sean Edwards wrote:
      > > According to the change log quoted below, it is
      > > possible to update old musix versions. Where is the
      > > documentation on how to do this?
      > >
      > > https://www.musix.org.ar/wiki/index.php/Changelog-en
      > >
      > > Musix version until now, also, 0.50 can update old
      > > Musix versions, as instance Musix 0.40 could be
      > > updated without re-install all the system.
      > >
      > > -=cybersean3000=-
      > >
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Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* CD Donwload: (http://www.musix.org.ar/en/) (www.pc-musica.com.ar/musix)
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