[Musix-users] hello i remaster the musix 0.26 to include the new ardour build and dssi-vst :P

vcvz vcxzv gaystimpy at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 8 10:03:27 CEST 2005

in regards to the non opensource software, i understand.  Just being able to 
allow vst is cool.  if the header files for the steinberg vst interferes 
with your opensource software then maybe including the dssi-vst is not 
possible.  if it is possible then alllowing the user to simply copy the vst 
they want to a VST_PATH folder from say a usb drive and not having the vst 
on the actual musix cd could work around that opensource.

The custom kernel tutorial was on the same forum


is the link.

btw somehow i messed on the remaster as i can only use kde by using "startx" 
instead of "starten" which would have gotten me into icewm.

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