[Musix-users] hello i remaster the musix 0.26 to include the new ardour build and dssi-vst :P

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Oct 7 23:09:17 CEST 2005

El Sáb 08 Oct 2005 02:36, vcvz vcxzv escribió:
> if all goes well you will hear sound and vst is working.
> to run other vst do
> vsthost "vstname.dll"  and this makes it run as a jack client
> i have tried alot of free ones with success like voxengo, kjerhaus,
> blockfish plugs
> check www.kvr-vst.com for all things vst

This it not free opensource software, we can not see the voxengo's code, so, 
we can not support it, etc.

> now rosegarden is a dssi reader so it can read dss-vst but on this remaster
> i did it didn't show up in rosegarden  like it did on my ccrma install.  
> like vst will show up alongside all the ladspa plugins too.
> anyway i guess i have to tweak some things.
> also the whole thing with the demudi not having echo alsa drivers is a pain
> and i have to figure that out.
> i found a tut on the knoppix forum about custom kernels so that might could
> be how to have the cd boot to the multimedia kernels with soundcard support
> and the patches in the kernel for audio work.

1)That's very interesting!!!

Could you tell us where it is?

2) If you install the multimedia kernel 2.6.13 and the alsa modules, and the 
firmwares, you will be able to use the echo's drivers.


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