[Musix-users] hello i remaster the musix 0.26 to include the new ardour build and dssi-vst :P

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Oct 10 16:15:05 CEST 2005

El Sáb 08 Oct 2005 10:03, vcvz vcxzv escribió:
> in regards to the non opensource software, i understand.  Just being able
> to allow vst is cool.  if the header files for the steinberg vst interferes
> with your opensource software then maybe including the dssi-vst is not
> possible.  if it is possible then alllowing the user to simply copy the vst
> they want to a VST_PATH folder from say a usb drive and not having the vst
> on the actual musix cd could work around that opensource.

If we dont use LADSPA, it will not grow.

I dont know if we could use 100% GPL VST software, but I think it's better to 

> The custom kernel tutorial was on the same forum
> http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21145

It's great, but: we must know how to make a Musix CD with 2 kernels at boot 
time, and I think that it's not explained there.

Do you know how to do it?

I remember that knoppix 3.4 allow us to boot with 2 kernel options: 2.4.x and 
2.6.x, but then knoppix changed its ways....

> is the link.
> btw somehow i messed on the remaster as i can only use kde by using
> "startx" instead of "starten" which would have gotten me into icewm.

Mmmmmm..... look into under /bin

You will see starten, and you could change it

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Marcos Guglielmetti 
*Desempleado, busco empleo estable.*
fecha: lun oct 10 15:55:02 CEST 2005


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