Proper use of the clipboard

Jason Miller jason at
Sun Dec 22 19:25:21 CET 2013

If the aim is to behave like vim, then visual selections should go to the 
primary selection, text yanked into the + register should go into the 
clipboard and text yanked into the * register should go to the primary 

I've had no problems getting text to the clipboard/primary selection with 
the + and * registers; I don't use visual mode much so haven't tried that 


On December 22, 2013 8:48:27 AM PST, Titus von der Malsburg wrote:
> Dear list!
> I'm a bit confused about Evil's interaction with the clipboard.  When I
> set x-select-enable-clipboard to t, visual selections are copied to the
> clipboard as well as yanked and deleted text.  However, when I set
> x-select-enable-clipboard to nil, neither visual selections nor yanked
> and deleted text are copied to the clipboard.  Both behaviors seem
> inconsistent with what other applications do under the X window
> system.  My understanding is that visual selections should go into the
> primary selection while yanked and deleted text should go to the
> clipboard.  Is it possible to configure Evil to behave this way?  My
> googling didn't turn up anything useful.
>   Titus

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