Proper use of the clipboard

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at
Sun Dec 22 20:20:10 CET 2013

On 22.12.2013 17:48, Titus von der Malsburg wrote:
> Dear list!
> I'm a bit confused about Evil's interaction with the clipboard.  When I
> set x-select-enable-clipboard to t, visual selections are copied to the
> clipboard as well as yanked and deleted text.  However, when I set
> x-select-enable-clipboard to nil, neither visual selections nor yanked
> and deleted text are copied to the clipboard.  Both behaviors seem
> inconsistent with what other applications do under the X window
> system.  My understanding is that visual selections should go into the
> primary selection while yanked and deleted text should go to the
> clipboard.  Is it possible to configure Evil to behave this way?  My
> googling didn't turn up anything useful.

I have no idea ;)

I remember that we fought a little bit with this selection stuff. It
gets even more complicated because MacOS, Windows and X all behave
differently and Emacs (and Evil) has to deal with all of them.

Could you please test the attached patch? However, I'm not sure if it
causes other problems ... ;)


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