shift-TAB in normal mode appears broken in terminal

Frank Fischer frank.fischer at
Thu Jan 26 09:18:08 CET 2012

On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 01:45:41PM +0100, Frank Fischer wrote:
> > 
> > C-h k S-TAB now (correctly) shows <backtab> and its binding in org
> > mode.  However, it still doesn't work.
> There's something strange going on. S-TAB correctly calls org-shifttab
> but this function sometimes simply does not what it should. But even If
> I call org-shifttab directly with "M-x org-shifttab" nothing happens,
> neither with evil nor without it. Perhaps org-mode does some keymap
> magic on its own that interferes with evil. I think it will take some
> time to figure out what's going on sorry.

Should be fixed in b6fd78a3

Btw: The issue with the TAB is the following. In terminal C-i and TAB
are indistinguishable, i.e., both generate exactly the same key-code
(number 8 IIRC) (in X they generate different key-codes). Unless you
really need the usual Vim C-i command you can set `evil-want-C-i-jump'
to nil (before loading evil or using the customization) which prevents
the corresponding binding to be generated at all. Of course, just
undefining that particular binding work as well and is perhaps more
robust ;)


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