ido color problem when vimpulse is loaded

Thomas Hisch t.hisch at
Mon Jan 24 23:48:16 CET 2011

Yes the cause was really Viper. Ido works well with your provided hack, thx!

i will read this thread "Viper messing up minibuffer (was Re:
[vimpulse] Bug: TAB doesn't	autocomplete in minibuffer.)" and then
maybe consider to make a bugreport.


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Štěpán Němec <stepnem at> wrote:
> Thomas Hisch <t.hisch at> writes:
>> Hey,
>> Today I realized that the vimpulse module is the cause of the
>> color-highlighting problem in ido in my emacs setup. The problem is
>> that all matching ido candidates have the same background color and
>> that directories, regular files ,.. have all the same foreground
>> color. I'm using the latest git version and also tried to load
>> vimpulse without customizations.
>> Any hints?
> This has nothing to do with Vimpulse AFAIK (other than the fact that
> Vimpulse depends on Viper). Viper does this. Viper messes up lots of
> things, this is one of them. You can report it with
> M-x report-emacs-bug if you're so inclined.
> [This was one of the things that I particularly hated about Viper, too.
> You can get rid of it easily enough, though.
> I used to have this in my setup:
> (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'viper-minibuffer-setup-sentinel)
> ;; post-ddfcd16209c575 Vimpulse makes also these two necessary:
> (defadvice viper-set-minibuffer-overlay (around fuck-viper activate)
>  nil)
> (defadvice viper-has-face-support-p (around fuck-viper activate)
>  nil)
> These might very well disable more than you want, though; caveat emptor.]
>  Štěpán
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