ido color problem when vimpulse is loaded

Štěpán Němec stepnem at
Mon Jan 24 22:28:59 CET 2011

Thomas Hisch <t.hisch at> writes:

> Hey,
> Today I realized that the vimpulse module is the cause of the
> color-highlighting problem in ido in my emacs setup. The problem is
> that all matching ido candidates have the same background color and
> that directories, regular files ,.. have all the same foreground
> color. I'm using the latest git version and also tried to load
> vimpulse without customizations.
> Any hints?

This has nothing to do with Vimpulse AFAIK (other than the fact that
Vimpulse depends on Viper). Viper does this. Viper messes up lots of
things, this is one of them. You can report it with
M-x report-emacs-bug if you're so inclined.

[This was one of the things that I particularly hated about Viper, too.
You can get rid of it easily enough, though.

I used to have this in my setup:

(remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'viper-minibuffer-setup-sentinel)
;; post-ddfcd16209c575 Vimpulse makes also these two necessary:
(defadvice viper-set-minibuffer-overlay (around fuck-viper activate)
(defadvice viper-has-face-support-p (around fuck-viper activate)

These might very well disable more than you want, though; caveat emptor.]


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