ediff-mode should be in emacs state

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 20 15:07:36 CEST 2011

On 2011-08-20 14:00 +0200, José A. Romero L. wrote:

> I mean - wouldn't a list of modes in normal state (with emacs state
> being the default) make more sense than a list of modes *not* in
> normal state?

If and only if the mode is used for editing text, it should come up in
Normal state. If one handles editing modes as the default case, one
has to list non-editing modes; if one handles non-editing modes as
the default case, one has to list editing modes.

In other words, it boils down to whether one looks at Emacs as a
text editor with a very flexible extension language, or as an
operating system with text editing as one of its applications.

Evil implicitly takes the former view.


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