Assembla ticket creation requires administrative privileges?
Vegard Øye
vegard_oye at
Mon Jun 28 12:10:36 CEST 2010
> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 00:38:58 +0400
> From: alexey.v.romanov at
> Funnily enough, the logout link doesn't work for me, either.
Hm. I was able to reproduce this yesterday. I logged into Trac (which
is not the same as logging into Assembla), and when I clicked the
"Logout" link, I got a 403 error. Today it works fine, however.
My guess is that the Git+Trac integration is still a bit betaish.
I know that non-members could create tickets when we used
SVN+Trac,[1] and I'm not aware of any settings for changing that.
But it's not a huge matter; the bug tracker is mostly a "discussion
tracker" these days. If you want to contribute code, the preferred
approach is to submit a patch to the mailing list which can be
committed with "git am". That way, you also get credit in the version
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