Strange visual-line bug

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at
Thu Jul 22 17:51:24 CEST 2010

On 2010-07-21 15:58, Tim Harper wrote:

> I'm using GNU emacs, 23.2. (Cocoa integration was merged in for 23)

Ah, okay. Looks good.

> Interesting that its caused by visual line mode being deactivated
> properly... before I apply your patch, ill play around a little more
> and see if I can see what leads to it, but being fault tolerant
> never hurts... it's a jungle in emacs.

There is no patch -- just use git pull to obtain the latest commits.
On the other hand, if you want to contribute code, do a local commit
and use git format-patch to produce a patch for list submission.
Then, when I apply the patch (with git am), your name and commits will
show up in the official repository just as they do locally.


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