Strange visual-line bug

Tim Harper timcharper at
Wed Jul 21 15:58:08 CEST 2010

Hah, that's the coolest report so far? Awesome! seriously I use video
because I'm lazy... its a ton of work to serialize an experience into text.

I'm using GNU emacs, 23.2. (Cocoa integration was merged in for 23)

Interesting that its caused by visual line mode being deactivated
properly... before I apply your patch, ill play around a little more and see
if I can see what leads to it, but being fault tolerant never hurts... it's
a jungle in emacs.


On Jul 21, 2010 3:40 AM, "Vegard Øye" <vegard_oye at> wrote:

On 2010-07-20 16:12, Tim Harper wrote:

> I don't know exactly how to reproduce the bug, but have ma...
Hi Tim!

Welcome to the list, and thanks for the coolest bug report so far :)

Let's get the basics out of the way first. Is that Aquamacs (what
version?), and are you using the latest developmental commit of

I don't know exactly why this happens, but I've been able to reproduce
it by injecting a "bad value" into one of Visual mode's buffer-local
variables. It seems that somehow Visual mode isn't deactivated
properly and that a faulty variable causes problems upon reactivation.
The variable is remembered across Visual sessions, giving rise to a
persistent "buggy state". Furthermore, as the restoration of the
previous selection occurs in `post-command-hook' -- after hl-line-mode
et al. have refreshed their own highlighting -- the other modes aren't
able to pick up on it, and so their highlighting doesn't coincide with
Visual mode's.

Commit [9d1af90898] should be more robust with regard to such values.
Let me know if the bug persists.


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