Strange visual-line bug

Tim Harper timcharper at
Thu Jul 22 18:05:59 CEST 2010

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at> wrote:
> On 2010-07-21 15:58, Tim Harper wrote:
>> I'm using GNU emacs, 23.2. (Cocoa integration was merged in for 23)
> Ah, okay. Looks good.
>> Interesting that its caused by visual line mode being deactivated
>> properly... before I apply your patch, ill play around a little more
>> and see if I can see what leads to it, but being fault tolerant
>> never hurts... it's a jungle in emacs.
> There is no patch -- just use git pull to obtain the latest commits.
> On the other hand, if you want to contribute code, do a local commit
> and use git format-patch to produce a patch for list submission.
> Then, when I apply the patch (with git am), your name and commits will
> show up in the official repository just as they do locally.

Right, that's what was referring to, sorry to confuse the terms.
"Patch" seems to be used pretty loosely around git folk.

Familiar with git format-patch / git am, will plan on contributing
accordingly. I've got my own public repo on github though where I
experiment with things as well, do you take pull requests that way?
(and why aren't you on github!? :) )


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