[PeDAGoG] Seeing with Hands- exploring the potential of drawing as cognitive activity

Jinan K B jinankb at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 03:18:22 CEST 2023


We are happy to invite you to the launch of our new book ‘SEEING WITH
HANDS’ - Exploring the potential of drawing as a cognitive activity.

Date: 6th July, Time: 4 30 to 5 30 PM IST.  Zoom Link

Amazon - https://lnkd.in/gZsFXAA9

This is a book on seeing- how children use drawing to observe the world.
The book is to initiate seeing- an invitation to become an enquirer- to be
like children, to observe, to touch, to feel, to sense… and more
importantly, to let understanding take place.

So, the invitation is to read the book without any forced agreement but to
rediscover what children do when they have the freedom to draw and when
they are not confused with our notions about art, self-expression, skill,

‘Seeing with Hands’ explores the cognitive potential of drawing to
understand the world. The book totally challenges our notion of drawing. It
establishes drawing as means to observe and make sense of the real world.
It also establishes the necessity of understanding drawing in continuation
with children's actual experiences, the toys & play they create to revisit
these experiences.

The author says “It was by sheer accident that I stumbled upon the idea
that children might be using drawing to understand the real world in terms
of two-dimensional space.”

This was evidenced by three years of children’s drawings done with
absolutely no adult interference, whatsoever - neither to correct or
praise. Naturally drawing became an activity that every child did to
enhance their observation rather than to make artistic, skilled drawings.

This book is bound to lead to a new way of being with children, respecting
their autonomy and their innate ability to develop their cognitive systems.
This has the potential to enable adults- parents, teachers, educationists,
cognitive scientists, and psychologists - to reflect on their own schooling
process and the way knowledge gets created naturally.

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http://kbjinan.in/ <http://jinankb.in/>
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