[PeDAGoG] Upcoming PeDAGoG meeting-7th of February 2023: 1 pm GMT

Urvi Shah urvishxh at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 14:01:20 CET 2023

Dear all,

We have started! Hope to see you soon :)


On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 9:33 AM Urvi Shah <urvishxh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is a gentle reminder for our upcoming PeDAGoG *meeting on the 7th of
> February 2023- at 1 pm GMT.* Please mark your calendars, looking forward
> to your participation!
> Please find the link to join in below
> ---------------------------
> Topic: PeDAGoG Meeting
> Time: Feb 7, 2023 01:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89306393200?pwd=dFVDY0lvdzBNYk1nNXFXT3AvOGlXQT09
> Meeting ID: 893 0639 3200
> Passcode: 555623
> ---------------------------
> Key points discussed in the last meeting can be found below.
> Keynotes:
>    - Revival of the planning committee for the “Learning through
>    alternative futures series”. It is a very diverse and interesting group
>    that should keep meeting.
>    - Recommendations for next in the webinar series are as follows:
>    1. Samantha Hargreaves of WoMin in South Africa on alternative
>    learning processes that combine feminist, ecological and anti-extractivist
>    themes.
>    2. Alrowwad – cultural and arts society from Palestine on methods of
>    art and pedagogy for social movements
>    3. Academy of Democratic Modernity on alternate learnings in the
>    Kurdish movement
>    4. Frances Ferreira from Commonwealth of Learning on community
>    programmes contributing to improved livelihoods of women and girls in
>    underserved communities
>    5. Carol Anne Spreen on Learning in Third spaces
>    - How might we restart the sharing of alternative courses and
>    methodologies, pedagogies through meetings, mail, etc? What mediums can we
>    use? Some suggestions include starting a book recommendations series to
>    increase interaction within the network. Any other suggestions are welcome
>    and it is encouraged to keep sharing updates, notes, reflections, etc in
>    the network.
>    - Theatre and pedagogy would be an interesting intersection to
>    explore. A webinar/ workshop by a group of youngsters should take place.
>    Sonali Sathaye to share with us a few instances she is working on.
>    - Melanie Bush, Pallavi Varma Patil, and Dani Leonardo have offered to
>    conduct a participatory workshop on “Strategies Beyond Borders: Tales of
>    Time Banks” on 27th Jan. The discussion will be based on pedagogies that
>    embed alternative ways of organising society. This session will also have
>    an experience sharing by students and “Offer and Needs Market” by Post
>    Growth Institute. Recording will be shared soon.
> Warm Regards,
> --
> Urvi Shah
> Vikalp Sangam <http://www.vikalpsangam.org>/ Global Tapestry of
> Alternatives  <http://www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org>
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/urvishxh>

Urvi Shah
Vikalp Sangam <http://www.vikalpsangam.org>/ Global Tapestry of
Alternatives  <http://www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org>

Twitter <https://twitter.com/urvishxh>
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