[PeDAGoG] CORE (Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics)

Christine Dann christine at horomaka.org
Mon Jun 27 22:54:50 CEST 2022

Thanks, Irene - this is really helpful. Could you give us the links to 
the writings you refer to, so that we can get there faster?

Do you think it is possible to rescue 'economics' from the English abuse 
of the word, or should we be looking at finding a new word or words to 
mean the use and sharing of resources within our Home, which is Earth?


On 27/06/22 21:10, Irene Sotiropoulou wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Many apologies, i will not enter the discussion about economics as 
> such because i have enough material online for anyone who wants to 
> have a look whether we can have economic knowledge that does not harm 
> humans and nature.
> Two notes about the greek words, though, just to make sure that if you 
> want to discuss etymologies, you do it properly:
> paidagogos. Pais=child, can be a girl or boy. In modern Greek we also 
> have "to paidi" which is gender neutral. Agogos= from ago verb, means 
> leading, guiding, doing by action. Paidagogos=also can be a woman or a 
> man, means the person who gives agogi (culture and good manners) to 
> children. The emphasis both in ancient and modern Greek is on cultural 
> and social aspects of education, not just giving information in terms 
> of formal knowledge. We use all those words today and paidagogiki (the 
> art-science of paidagogos) is not just teaching things to be certified 
> in a degree but more than that.
> Oikonomia - economy. Nothing to do with the english ab-use of the 
> word. Oikos=house in its extended form, i.e. not only the residence 
> but the whole estate for a household. It also means family, in its 
> extended form. Nomi-a, from verb nemo=sharing, using something. 
> Nomos=law, i.e. rules about sharing and using resources. 
> Oikonomia=sharing and using resources within oikos, creating rules 
> about this sharing.
> I have written about this already, you may find the writings online.
> Have a nice day,
> Irene
> Στις Κυρ 26 Ιουν 2022 στις 3:26 μ.μ., ο/η Steven J. Klees 
> <sklees at umd.edu> έγραψε:
>     As someone schooled in neoclassical economics, I find both its
>     neoliberal and liberal variants bankrupt.  I find alternative
>     approaches to economics most significant in what is being done in
>     economics in practice by groups like GTA and others, as I have
>     said in this blog:
>     https://evonomics.com/klees-neoclassical-economics-failed-what-comes-next/
>     There have been interesting attempts to break free of the
>     neoclassical straightjacket in approaches like ecological
>     economics and feminist economics, but too often they don't really
>     break free.  However, sometimes under the label
>     "political economy" you have true alternatives that start with the
>     bankruptcy of capitalism ("political economy" is also used by the
>     right).  The World Economics Association takes a "heterodox"
>     stance (in opposition to "orthodox" economics which is another
>     term for neoclassical) and publishes a list of alternative texts,
>     some of which offer more sensible approaches to economics:
>     https://www.worldeconomicsassociation.org/textbook-commentaries/alternative-texts/
>     Best,
>     Steve
>     On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 6:38 AM Ashish Kothari
>     <ashishkothari at riseup.net> wrote:
>         This is interesting, friends. Though, does it not depend on
>         what definition of 'economics' we are accepting as legitimate?
>         Its original meaning (from 'oikos' ... and therefore also
>         linked to ecology) is 'management of the home' ... so if
>         ecology is put at the base ('understanding the home') and we
>         relate to the Earth our home in ways that reflect a deep
>         understanding, is that not something humans have been doing
>         forever?
>         So, do we accept the modernist westernised version of
>         'economics', or the much broader, deeper meaning of it ... do
>         we discard it totally because it is badly corrupted/co-opted,
>         or do we rescue it? This relates to one of my favourite
>         pre-occupations, of understanding original meanings of words,
>         and seeing if there is subversive/revolutionary potential in
>         rescuing them, or are they so inextricably embedded in the
>         system we are fighting against, that its best to abandon them
>         and find alternatives? An eminently 'pedagogical' quest, I
>         suppose.
>         And in that spirit, note that the term 'pedagogy', at least
>         according to my laptop's inbuilt dictionary, comes from a v.
>         dubious origin: "lateMiddle English:
>         viaLatinfromGreekpaidagōgos, denoting a slavewhoaccompanieda
>         child to school (frompais,paid-‘boy’+agōgos‘guide’)." I found
>         this out to my utter chagrin /after /having suggested PeDAGoG
>         (Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group) as the
>         acronym for this network!  So in this case, its not about
>         rescuing the original meaning, but giving it a new, v.
>         different, one! But sorry, let this observation not distract
>         from the main topic of conversation here ... whether economics
>         should or should not be in curricula, and it is should, waht
>         should be its contours/substance (and /not /going further here
>         into whether formal curricula should exist in the first place :):)
>         ashish
>         New, for post-COVID dignified livelihoods in India! Vikalp
>         Sutra <https://sutra.vikalpsangam.org/>
>         FREE DOWNLOAD! Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary
>         <https://radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/pluriverse>
>         Ashish Kothari
>         Kalpavriksh
>         Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
>         908 Deccan Gymkhana
>         Pune 411004, India
>         Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450
>         Kalpavriksh <https://kalpavriksh.org/>
>         Vikalp Sangam <http://vikalpsangam.org/>
>         Radical Ecological Democracy
>         <http://www.radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/>
>         Global Tapestry of Alternatives
>         <http://www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org/>
>         https://ashishkothari51.blogspot.com
>         Twitter <https://twitter.com/chikikothari> LinkedIn
>         <http://www.linkedin.com/in/ashishkothari1961> Instagram
>         <https://www.instagram.com/ashishkotharivikalp/> Facebook
>         <https://www.facebook.com/ashish.kothari.1297>
>         On 26/06/22 2:08 pm, Aram Ziai wrote:
>>         Dear all,
>>         I agree and wanted to point out that Escobar has described
>>         already in 95 economics as a cultural discourse imagining
>>         itself to be a science... but also that the 'problem' of
>>         population growth is usually focusing on poor people in the
>>         South (who use far far less resources and emit far far less
>>         CO2 than the global middle class) and of course on women
>>         (whose right to control their body is compromised) thus has
>>         racist and sexist elements.
>>         Best
>>         Aram
>>         On 25.06.22 22:37, Christine Dann wrote:
>>>         Kia ora tatou
>>>         I wonder if it is possible for /any/ economics curriculum to
>>>         be satisfactory. In Bruno Latour's view (see the quotes
>>>         from/After Lockdown Metamorphosis/, 2021, below)
>>>         'economics'  is an invention which has been and is still
>>>         imposed with force. It obscures reality at best, and
>>>         destroys it at worst.
>>>         It was interesting to see in the philanthropy article which
>>>         Christian provided the link to that 'philanthropy' now
>>>         includes creating pro-capitalist propaganda. This reinforces
>>>         Latour's point that a lot of work has gone and continues to
>>>         go into creating the pseudo-reality of 'economics' and the
>>>         Economy. It can be 'soft' work, like the creation of
>>>         'philanthropic' propaganda; or 'hard' work, like the murder
>>>         of indigenous people and their supporters trying to prevent
>>>         further 'economic' extraction of the life of their lands,
>>>         and the minerals beneath them.
>>>         It is still heretical these days to say that the Economy is
>>>         not real, and we should focus on what is, and stop aiming to
>>>         grow the Economy until it has devoured the Earth and all on
>>>         it. It has been heretical for 50 years now, since the
>>>         /Limits to Growth/ report was published in 1972, and a very
>>>         small new party in a very small new-ish state (the New
>>>         Zealand Values Party) put out an election manifesto with two
>>>         key policies - Zero Economic Growth and Zero Population
>>>         Growth. I don't know of any political party which has been
>>>         so bold since - and you probably all know the connections
>>>         between economic and population growth and how problematic
>>>         both are these days. Also the connections with fossil fuel
>>>         extraction and use.
>>>         If I were a teenager today and had a choice between studying
>>>         economics in a classroom or learning gardening in a
>>>         community garden, I know what the smart choice would be.
>>>         Christine
>>>         p 59 “This time round, it’s not just a matter of improving,
>>>         changing, greening or revolutionising the ‘economic’ system,
>>>         but of /completely doing without the Economy./”
>>>         p 60 “/Homo oeconomicus /has nothing native, natural or
>>>         autochthonous about him, as we’ve long known. Strictly
>>>         speaking, he comes from on high … /from the top down/, and
>>>         not at all from ordinary practical experience, /from the
>>>         ground up/, from the relationships that lifeforms maintain
>>>         with other lifeforms.”
>>>         p 60 “For the Economy to expand … as the bedrock of all
>>>         possible life on earth, an enormous amount of infrastructure
>>>         building is required to impose it as an obvious fact against
>>>         the dogged resistance put up by the most common experience
>>>         in reaction to such violent colonisation.”
>>>         p 61 [Without this infrastructure] “no one would ever have
>>>         invented ‘individuals’ capable of a selfishness drastic
>>>         enough, constant enough, consistent enough to not ‘owe
>>>         anyone anything’ and to see all others as ‘aliens’ and all
>>>         life forms as ‘resources’. Beneath the evidence of a native,
>>>         primal Economy lie three centuries of economisation….” [this
>>>         preliminary embedding requires extreme violence]
>>>         p 62 [In order not to stay in the economisation trap, the
>>>         way out proposed by Duzan Kazik] “… consists in /never
>>>         agreeing/ to say of any subject whatever that ‘it has an
>>>         economic dimension’! Bowing to that dimension … always boils
>>>         down to suggesting that, on the one hand, there is a
>>>         profound, essential, vital reality – the economic situation
>>>         – but that on the other hand, we could nonetheless, if we
>>>         had the time, take ‘other dimensions’ into account – social,
>>>         moral, political dimensions and even, why not, if there’s
>>>         anything left over, an ‘ecological dimension’… Well,
>>>         reasoning accordingly means giving the Economy a material
>>>         reality it doesn’t have, and lending a hand to a power that
>>>         trickles down from on high.”
>>>         pp 74 - 75 “As soon as you describe a territory the right
>>>         way round, you feel in your bones why the Economy could not
>>>         be realistic or materialistic …. Embracing the Economy means
>>>         interrupting the resumption of interactions by inventing
>>>         beings who won’t have to account for themselves on the
>>>         pretext that they’re autonomous individuals whose limits are
>>>         protected by an exclusive right of ownership.”
>>>         On 25/06/22 06:21, Steven J. Klees wrote:
>>>>         Dear Christian,
>>>>         The CORE curriculum is an improvement over standard
>>>>         approaches in economics departments but it is fundamentally
>>>>         neoclassical.  It moves away from neoliberalism but is
>>>>         firmly ensconced in a liberal view of markets and
>>>>         capitalism. Putting lipstick on a pig is, to me, an
>>>>         appropriate characterization.  Check out the attached New
>>>>         Yorker article.
>>>>         Best,
>>>>         Steve
>>>>         On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 12:58 PM Christian Stalberg
>>>>         <cstalberg at mymail.ciis.edu> wrote:
>>>>             Sharing this resource. Would love to hear reactions. My
>>>>             kneejerk response was that this is simply putting
>>>>             lipstick on a pig (the pig being the systemic
>>>>             structural violence of capitalism).
>>>>             https://www.core-econ.org/
>>>>             …oh and if you would like to know where this initiative
>>>>             got its start, read this
>>>>             https://www.philanthropy.com/article/thinking-anew-about-capitalism
>>>>             <https://www.philanthropy.com/article/thinking-anew-about-capitalism>
>>>>             Thank you in advance for your interest and attention!
>>>>             __
>>>>             Christian Stalberg
>>>>             Doctoral Student
>>>>             Anthropology & Social Change
>>>>             CIIS, San Francisco, CA
>>>>             /"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change.
>>>>             I am changing the things I cannot accept." - Angela Davis/
>>>>             /“What is it that we can do that addresses whatever the
>>>>             problem is, rather than what it is that we’re trying to
>>>>             get somebody else to do.” – Alice Lynd/
>>>>             /“//It’s better to die for an idea that is going to
>>>>             live than to live for an idea that is going to die.” –
>>>>             Steve Biko///
>>>>             /“We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable –
>>>>             but so did the divine right of kings.” - Ursula K. Le Guin/
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>>         -- 
>>         Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai
>>         Chair of Development and Postcolonial Studies
>>         Executive Director Global Partnership Network
>>         Faculty of Social Sciences
>>         University of Kassel
>>         Nora-Platiel-Str. 1
>>         34109 Kassel
>>         Germany
>>         ++49 561 804-3023
>>         ziai at uni-kassel.de
>>         https://www.uni-kassel.de/fb05/en/fachgruppen/politikwissenschaft/department-for-development-and-postcolonial-studies.html
>>         https://www.uni-kassel.de/forschung/global-partnership-network/home/
>>         New video: Post-Development - Questioning the whole paradigm.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsrK-XuSZZQ
>>         Open access article: Neocolonialism in the global economy of the 21st century: an overview, in: Momentum Quarterly 9 (3), 128-140. Open access:https://www.momentum-quarterly.org/ojs2/index.php/momentum/article/view/3478
>>         New edited volume: Beyond the master's tools? Decolonizing knowledge orders, research methods and teaching. London: Rowman & Littlefield (with Franziska Müller and Daniel Bendix)
>>         https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786613592/Beyond-the-Master's-Tools-Decolonizing-Knowledge-Orders-Research-Methods-and-Teaching
>>         New edited volume:  The Development Dictionary @25: Post-Development and its consequences. London: Routledge.
>>         https://www.routledge.com/The-Development-Dictionary-25-Post-Development-and-its-consequences/Ziai/p/book/9781138323476
>>         Open access book: Development Discourse and Global History. From Colonialism to the Sustainable Development Goals. London: Routledge.
>>         https://www.routledge.com/Development-Discourse-and-Global-History-From-colonialism-to-the-sustainable/Ziai/p/book/9781138735132
>>         Open access article: Post-Development: Premature Burials and Haunting Ghosts. In: Development and Change 46 (4), 833-854.
>>         open access:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dech.12177/full
>>         Open access article:  Post-development 25 years after The Development Dictionary, Third World Quarterly, 38:12, 2547-2558,https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2017.1383853
>>         _______________________________________________
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>>         GTA-PeDAGoG at lists.ourproject.org
>>         http://lists.ourproject.org/mailman/listinfo/gta-pedagog
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