[PeDAGoG] Invitation to virtual interactive session | 8 July, 2pm GMT
Irene Sotiropoulou
irene.sotiropoulou at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 11:42:41 CEST 2020
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well. I am wondering what time the meeting is. Because
the email thread says 2 pmGMT and now that i registered it is 4pm Amsterdam
time, i.e. 3 pm GMT [summer time]. I suppose that it is the 3pm is the
right time, but i wanted to make sure that i understand correctly. I
changed a meeting i had at 2pm and now i might have to re-arrange or miss
our meeting. Do we know how long our meeting is expected to last?
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Best regards,
Στις Σάβ, 4 Ιουλ 2020 στις 2:40 μ.μ., ο/η Rajeswari S. Raina <
rajeswari_raina at yahoo.com> έγραψε:
> Hi all,
> Thank you and am looking forward to the call on the 8th.
> A big yes to radical perspectives; but some concern about 'learning
> without education'... Perhaps we should aim for
> 'learning without qualifications.' What we need today is more learned,
> more educated people, with lessons to offer on nature, water, us, etc.
> etc.. They need not be qualified or with credentials or ranks in the
> conventional system.
> regards
> Rajeswari
> Recent Publications:
> Rajeswari S. Raina and Debanjana Dey 2020. “How we know Biodiversity:
> Institutions and Knowledge-Policy Relationships,” Sustainability Science,
> (online 10.1007/s11625-019-00774-w)
> http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11625-019-00774-w
> <http://links.springernature.com/f/a/P6E0dIW6_drH4TrKXdyRGw~~/AABE5gA~/RgRf8JdNP0QwaHR0cDovL3d3dy5zcHJpbmdlci5jb20vLS8yL0FXOXNIZGQyNTh5YXNfWm1yX0hLVwNzcGNCCgAAzWMPXsepX_ZSGnJhamVzd2FyaS5yYWluYUBzbnUuZWR1LmluWAQAAAbn>
> pp. 1-10.
> Julien-Francois Gerber and Rajeswari S. Raina (Eds) 2018. Post-growth
> thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives, Orient
> BlackSwan: Hyderabad/Delhi.
> Julien-Francois Gerber and Rajeswari Raina 2018. “Post-Growth in the
> global South? Some Reflections from India and Bhutan” *Ecological
> Economics*, (online version: Gerber, J.-F., Ecological Economics (2018),
> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.02.020 )
> Rajeswari S. Raina 2017. "Knowledge Futures: Democratic values and
> learning capacities for sustainability,” in Ashish Kothari and K J Joy
> (Eds.) *Alternative Futures: India Unshackled,* Authors Upfront: New
> Delhi pp. 480-496.
> Rajeswari Sarala Raina
> Professor,
> School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
> Shiv Nadar University,
> Uttar Pradesh, 201314
> India
> On Wednesday, 24 June, 2020, 06:21:04 pm IST, Franco Augusto <
> franco at reevo.org> wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I agree with Ashish suggestion about devote time to "know each other".
> Also, totally agree with the Marion's suggestion. I think it's crucial to
> include radical perspectives, like deschooling, antipedagogy, and "learning
> without education" perspectives that are getting increasingly more
> attention and networking in the past decade. Andrea's examples of Mushuk
> Away and Ecoversities are really good examples of that. I could include
> REEVO process as part of that weaving: https://reevo.wiki/Nosotrxs#en
> Hope to talk to you soon.
> Best, Franco.
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 9:04 AM Andrea González Andino <
> andreagonzalezandino at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone!
> Thank you for the email and the iniciative and the call for everyone to
> participate. Apologies for so many emails, you can always go to Google
> groups and ask for less or any notification.
> I resonate a lot with Marion, I'm from Ecuador and my approach to
> education came from academy but now I'm un learning to live and to find
> other options for higher education. I'm part of ecoversities, a global
> network that is gathering people all around the world to respond to that
> call, reclaiming knowledge from our local surroundings, from indigenous
> perspectives, that now more than ever has a lot more sense. Also here in
> Ecuador there is Mushuk Away, a local weave that is working on alternatives
> to Education. As Latin, andean woman, mestiza, feminist, queer is something
> that moves me to find autonomy in my life, to deconstruct the system in me,
> "break it" and see what I can find to be more truthful to my path, to my
> territory and to Pachamama (mother earth)
> Also, this made more sense with the readings, the social theories and the
> academic life for me.
> So if more resonate also with Marion, let's make a group :). Super good
> suggestion, so we keep weaving and sharing.
> Hugs to all!
> Le mer. 24 juin 2020 à 01:07, Ashish Kothari <ashishkothari at riseup.net> a
> écrit :
> Hello everyone, I agree with Marion's suggestion ... PeDAGoG is about
> academic-activist collaboration, and should certainly encompass learning
> envirnoments outside the conventional classroom. this would also be
> relevant to Seema's earlier mail about not being an academic.
> this leads me to also suggest that we spend some time in the beginning
> getting to know each other but also sharpening the objectives/focus of
> PeDAGoG, since we have not had a collective discussion on this ... and hten
> we can split into the 3 'rooms' as per Julia's suggestion below and
> modificatino as suggested by Marion. Does this make sense?
> thanks,
> ashish
> LATEST! Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary (thepluriverse.org)
> and www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org
> Ashish Kothari
> Kalpavriksh
> Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
> 908 Deccan Gymkhana
> Pune 411004, India
> Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450http://kalpavriksh.orgwww.vikalpsangam.org www.radicalecologicaldemocracy.orgwww.iccaconsortium.orgwww.acknowlej.org http://ashishkothari51.blogspot.in/
> Twitter: @chikikothari
> On 24/06/20 11:13 am, Schöneberg, Julia, Dr. wrote:
> Hi Marion, hi all,
> Thanks for signing up!
> As far as I am aware zoom will recognise your time zone and adjust it
> accordingly. 2pm GMT would be: 4pm in Brussels, 4pm Johannesburg, 3pm
> London, 7.30pm Delhi, 9am Quito, 7am Los Angeles.
> Sure! My proposals were only suggestions and we can adjust to everyone’s
> interest. Depending on the number of participants we might also have more
> than three groups.
> Best wishes,
> Julia
> *Von:* GTA-PeDAGoG <gta-pedagog-bounces at lists.ourproject.org>
> <gta-pedagog-bounces at lists.ourproject.org> *Im Auftrag von *Marion Regina
> Mueller
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2020 07:29
> *An:* PeDAGoG:Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group
> <gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org> <gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [PeDAGoG] Invitation to virtual interactive session | 8
> July, 2pm GMT
> Hello Everyone,
> thank you Julia for this initiative!! I have registered via the link you
> have shared.
> And sorry for sending another round mail, but I have two questions which
> might be relevant to others: firstly there seems to be a difference in
> timing for the meeting, since in this mail you wrote 2 pm, the link time
> table schedules 4pm? And, secondly, would there be any option to choose
> between the breakout groups? Since I am not linked with any academic
> environment, the only breakout session that would make sense for me to
> (actively) participate is probably session # 3.
> And, just as an idea, if maybe in this session we could also take a look
> outside the classroom and/or institutionalized educational frameworks and
> discuss about how we can attempt decolonizing our approaches, concepts and
> research methodologies towards a different interpretation of pedagogy
> altogether? Not sure if this resonates with anyone? Or if this session was
> going to lead us into this direction anyway?
> Best regards, and stay well and safe!
> Marion
> *Marion Regina Müller*
> *Director*
> C-20, Qutub Institutional Area
> New Delhi - 110016
> Landline IN: +91 11 405 93 994, 2696 2840
> Mobile IN: +91 8448226905
> Skype: Heinrich Boell Stiftung India
> EMail: MarionRegina.Mueller at in.boell.org
> Web: www.in.boell.org
> P save a tree. Please print this e-mail only if it is really
> necessary.....
> >>> Schöneberg, Julia, Dr. <Julia.Schoeneberg at uni-kassel.de> 6/23/2020
> 9:48 PM >>>
> Thanks for sending the reminder, Ashish!
> Dear all,
> I would like to add that if you are interested in joining, please sign up
> via the link below. It would greatly help me keeping an overview and
> planning the break-away rooms.
> *Please register through this link: *
> https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrd-ugpj0pHNZzsKmYwGZAMgPUkRbpnDOO
> Best wishes,
> Julia
> *Von:* Ashish Kothari <ashishkothari at riseup.net>
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 23. Juni 2020 18:14
> *An:* PeDAGoG: Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group <
> gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org>
> *Cc:* Schöneberg, Julia, Dr. <Julia.Schoeneberg at uni-kassel.de>
> *Betreff:* Re: [PeDAGoG] Invitation to virtual interactive session | 8
> July, 2pm GMT
> Dear PeDAGoG colleagues, we really hope you can join this session ... do
> pl. respond to Julia and Brandon if you have not already.
> we look forward to this discussion!
> ashish
> LATEST! Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary (thepluriverse.org)
> and www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org
> Ashish Kothari
> Kalpavriksh
> Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
> 908 Deccan Gymkhana
> Pune 411004, India
> Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450
> http://kalpavriksh.org
> www.vikalpsangam.org
> www.radicalecologicaldemocracy.org
> www.iccaconsortium.org
> www.acknowlej.org
> http://ashishkothari51.blogspot.in/
> Twitter: @chikikothari
> On 17/06/20 11:40 pm, Schöneberg, Julia, Dr. wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Encouraged by Brandon and Ashish’s call for more interactive
> collaboration, I would like to propose a virtual session and hope that
> you’d be interested to participate.
> At this point, probably all of us are already quite “Zoom”-fatigued.
> Nevertheless, in some spaces I have also found comfort and new energy
> through the distant but immediate community with like-minded, in what feels
> like a detached and rather surreal socially distant situation.
> I hope that with PeDAGoG we can also create such mutually supportive
> community, and while I appreciate the resources and interventions shared
> via the list, I sometimes wish I could put a face to a name.
> In that spirit, I would like to invite everyone to join me for an *interactive
> workshop/exchange session* on *8 July, 2pm GMT.*
> In thematical break-away rooms we will be discussing in smaller groups,
> giving everyone the chance to talk, share and getting to know each other,
> before coming back to a final plenary discussion.
> In terms of thematical foci I have drawn the following from the
> collaborative board. Of course, these are proposals, please feel free to
> send me your suggestions of what you’d find important:
> 1. Teaching in crises: What are the pedagogical implications of the
> pandemic?
> 2. Neoliberal academic environments: Strategies to cope and counter
> 3. Practicing epistemic disobedience: Decolonizing the classroom
> *Please register through this link: *
> https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrd-ugpj0pHNZzsKmYwGZAMgPUkRbpnDOO
> Do let me know your thoughts or comments on this.
> Looking forward to getting to know many new faces on 8 July.
> Warm wishes,
> Julia
> --
> Dr. Julia Schöneberg
> University of Kassel
> Chair for Development and Postcolonial Studies
> DFG-funded project “Theorizing Post-Development”
> Untere Königsstraße 71
> 34127 Kassel
> Twitter: @j_schoeneberg
> --
> (2019) Development: a failed project
> <https://www.convivialthinking.org/index.php/2019/11/29/development-a-failed-project/>,
> Blog for Open Democracy
> (2019) Imagining Postcolonial-Development Studies - Reflections on
> Positionality and Research Practices, in: Baud, Isabelle, Tiina Kontinen,
> Elisabetta Basile (eds.): "Building Development Studies for the New
> Millennium" (EADI Series on Global Development), Palgrave MacMillan: London.
> (2019) Manoueuvring political realms: Alternatives to Development in
> Haiti, in: Elise Klein, Carlos Eduardo Morreo (eds.) Post-Development in
> Practice, Routledge: London.
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