[gclUB-info] difusió Google Summer of Code amb TikiWiki

Xavier de Pedro xavier.depedroaub.edu
Div Mar 20 21:32:03 CET 2009

Hola a tothom:

Aquest any els de Google han admès un Google Summer of Code (GSOC - 
http://code.google.com/soc/ ) per a Tikiwiki, i ara cal que  se 
n'assabentin estudiants potencialment interessats, etc.

Per cert, no sé si sabeu que a la UB ja es poden instal·lar CMS's i 
similars que requereixen mysql... i com no, ja n'hi ha un Tiki 
instal·lat a www2.ub.edu ;-)
(encara en fase d'afegir-li contingut, però el tema ja està adaptat a 
l'estètica UB)
Això em recorda que s'ha d'actualitzar la web del gclub (que empra un 
Tiki vell 1.9.11), així com les dels altres grups a qui oferiem web  
(codiwiki, biolug, ...)

I es que a la comunitat Tikiwiki s'ha fet un esforç per posar-se al dia 
en coses pendents (web services, temes més macos, interficie més 
agradable a l'usuari, instal·lació més fàcil, etc.). En menys d'un mes 
surt la nova versió estable Tiki 3 (en menys d'un mes):

Bé, no m'enrollo, copio a sota el text de les ofertes de GSOC Tikiwiki, 
per comoditat de lectura per als reenviaments, per si creieu oportú 
fer-ne difusió per algun canal que conegueu a gent potencialment interessada

Una abraçada,


P.D: Tret d'aquí: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/GSOC+Ideas+2009

  *GSOC Ideas 2009

Please read Google Summer of Code 2009 GSOC 
for more background information on TikiWiki CMS/Groupware and the 
community. For information on potential mentors, see GSOC Mentors Bio 
2009 <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=GSOC+Mentors+Bio+2009>.

A very important aspect:
*"In our case, the GSOC project will be an integral part of TikiWiki 
code (not an optional 3rd party add-on) and thus, the student will 
benefit from feedback from (and interaction with) the broader community 
being involved in setting the requirements, testing, bugfixing, 
documentation and translation. Our mentors will ensure that students' 
projects and deliverables are well-defined and demarcated, while helping 
the student integrate with the community, so as to provide an excellent 
and fulfilling learning experience"*

Priority goes to developers who not only provide useful functionality 
for TikiWiki but also that have a real project which will live on after 
GSoC. Eating our own Dogfood <http://tikiwiki.org/DogFood> (external 
link) has proven beneficial for TikiWiki evolution and we think it will 
be good for you too :-)

For any questions, you can reach 2009 TikiWiki Google Summer of code 
committee at gsocatikiwiki.org <mailto:gsocatikiwiki.org>

General skills

    * PHP
    * Smarty
    * AdoDB (Database abstraction layer to use MySQL, Postgresql, etc)
    * Zend framework
    * jQuery
    * Communication and community coding

    GSOC Ideas 2009

      Table of contents

    * GSOC Ideas 2009
          o Edit UI Revamp Project

          o Theme/color scheme generator

          o Official PHP-BB forum and MediaWiki-TikiWiki importer

          o Embeddable Project Management Widgets

          o Translation Tools Integration for Cross Lingual Wiki Engine

          o Basic Ecommerce shopping cart using TikiWiki Trackers

          o Drag and Drop functionality

          o Social Networking based on Existing Friends and Profiles

          o WebDAV Access to TikiWiki File Galleries

          o Generalized Interface to Plug In Third Party Search Engines

          o Kaltura - Tikiwiki Collaborative Video Integration

      Edit UI Revamp Project

The current interface provided to users to edit wiki page content has 
been criticized for being confusing for users, because there are too 
many fields for information cluttering up the screen. The strategy to 
overcome this is to hide information/input fields by default, using UI 
elements such as twisters to expose necessary UI to show more 
information/input fields, combined with an overall redesign of the 
editing interface. There could also be semi-intelligent exposing of 
information/input fields depending on context and "helpers" that popup 
providing hints for users.

The Edit UI Revamp design process is already well underway. The goal of 
the GSOC project is to implement a consistent look and feel for the 
editing interface for TikiWiki. The specs are already almost complete 
and it is the student's role to implement the code necessary to create 
this UI based on these specifications. The student will get the 
opportunity to contribute his own ideas to refine the existing 

See EditUIRevamp 
<http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=EditUIRevamp> for more 

Potential mentors:

    * Rick Sapir
    * Gary Cunningham-Lee
    * luci aka luciash d' being
    * Marc Laporte

Difficulty level:

Required skills/interests

    * Strong background in Usability.
    * Interest in TikiWiki as a whole as the whole application will need
      to be gone through and making the UI nicer and more consistant.

      Theme/color scheme generator

TikiWiki lacks a theme generator, i.e. a tool for non-technical users 
(users who do not know CSS), to customize colors of each and every 
different element in the interface. The Theme generator will allow the 
user to select colors from a color picker, and define them for elements 
in any existing theme.

Please see:
http://themes.tikiwiki.org/TikiThemeGenerator (external link)

Difficulty level and expectations:

    * Low to moderate
    * Needs to know CSS well

Potential mentors:

    * Gary Cunningham-Lee
    * luci aka luciash d' being
    * Marc Laporte

      Official PHP-BB forum and MediaWiki-TikiWiki importer

Potential mentors:

    * Patrice Weber
    * Nelson Ko

Difficulty level and expectations:

    * Moderate
    * Knowledge and familiarity with wiki syntax
    * SQL / MySQL knowledge and experience required
    * Data migration

A number of community members have a number of task specific-scripts to 
import MediaWiki content, as well as PHP-BB forum content into TikiWiki. 
However, there is a need for an official import script that is in the 
core of TikiWiki, as these scripts were task specific and not 
generalized enough.

The student's role will be to study these existing scripts, as well as 
propose and develop new/better approach to solving the same problem, and 
together with the mentor, develop importers that will be part of the 
core distribution of TikiWiki.

      Embeddable Project Management Widgets

TikiWiki already has all the tools available to conduct project 
management, and pilot implementations already exist. The goal of this 
project is to glue together various features of TikiWiki, calendars, 
trackers, wiki pages, and through the development of new wiki-plugin 
code, to provide a tool set of project management widgets that can be 
used to create project management dashboards.

These widgets will be able to:

    * Display and allow editing of status of tasks
    * Provide a visual representation of task completion
    * Provide a summary of who is doing what (task assignment and

Please see project management 
<http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=project+management> for 
more information
www.projectmanagementwiki.org (external link) 

Potential mentors:

    * Marc Laporte
    * Jean Georgiadis MBA, ing, PMP
      (external link)
    * Régis Barondeau

Difficulty level:
Low to moderate

Required skills/interests

    * Good overall understanding of project management.
    * Experience with existing Project management applications an asset.

      Translation Tools Integration for Cross Lingual Wiki Engine project

The Cross Lingual Wiki Engine project aims at designing, developing and 
testing lightweight wiki tools to support communities that 
collaboratively create and maintain content in multiple languages.

The project was started in November 2007, and thus far, we have 
implemented basic features which could be used by a community of 
motivated and technically sophisticated users, to collaboratively 
produce multilingual content in simple scenarios.

The GSOC project is specifically aimed at integrating translation tools 
(both online services such as translate.google.com, open source 
dictionary and terminology software, as well as text alignment tools.

Such tools could include:

   1. PhpDictionary: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdictionary/
      (external link)
   2. GlossWord: http://sourceforge.net/projects/glossword/ (external link)
   3. bitext2tmx: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitext2tmx/ (external
   4. PHP implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
      http://en.giswiki.net/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#PHP (external link)


    * Alain Désilets
    * Seb Paquet
    * Xavier de Pedro

See www.wiki-translation.com (external link) 
<http://www.wiki-translation.com> for details.

*Level of difficulty:* Medium.

      Basic Ecommerce shopping cart using TikiWiki Trackers

TikiWiki already has the ability to manage product lists & descriptions. 
There is already a working version of basic online ordering 
functionality. The goal of this project is to extend this functionality 
into a basic but complete ecommerce shopping cart, by coding the glue 
between different features.

Features to be added:
* "Add to cart" button in wiki pages
* A simple cart (external link) like this (external link)
* better https handling
* link to PayPal and Google Checkout
* Email confirmations

Please see: Shopping Cart 

Potential mentors:

    * Marc Laporte
    * Tom Aratyn
    * Matthew Bickerton

Difficulty level:

Special skills required:

    * Knowledge of e-commerce shopping carts

      Drag and Drop functionality

The goal of this project is to make use of Jquery AJAX libraries (and 
other libraries if needed), to build drag-and-drop and autosave 
functionality into the following components of TikiWiki.

The following are needed:

    * Drag & Drop files into file galleries from Desktop
    * Add, move, modify events in calendar via drag and drop
    * Drag & drop arranging of items in categories

Possible mentors:

    * Patrice Weber
    * Nelson Ko

Difficulty level:

Required skills/interests

    * Good knowledge of JavaScript and how AJAX works
    * jQuery

      Social Networking based on Existing Friends and Profiles Features

    * Implement easily customizable user profiles and inter-user
      interactions, thus enabling social networking with Tiki by
      extending the existing Tiki Friends and User Profiles features.

The features that have to be added to Tiki Friends and User Profiles are:

    * Enhanced customizable friends list that shows pictures/information
      based on admin/user defined settings
    * Search and filter friends list based on criteria
    * Allow for viewing of friends of friends
    * Allow for classifying of friends with tags

Difficulty level and expectations:

    * Moderate
    * Good understanding of social networking
    * Knowledge of SQL/MySQL required

Potential mentors:

    * Seb Paquet
    * Morgan Tocker
    * Nelson Ko

Related links
http://www.phpbeer.com/ (external link)

      WebDAV Access to TikiWiki File Galleries

The TikiWiki File Galleries is already a full featured system that 
includes version control on uploaded files. The next step is the adding 
of the capability to upload and manage files via WEBDAV.

The goals of this project is to:

    * There is already some WEBDAV work being done in TikiWiki. This
      project will finish off this work.
    * Implement Webdav access to file galleries from Open Office
    * Implement a large file uploader that will upload large files via
      WEBDAV interface.

Possible mentors:

    * Patrice Weber
    * Nelson Ko

Difficulty level:
Moderate to high

Skills required:

    * Knowledge and experience with WEBDAV
    * Knowledge and experience with document management

      Generalized Interface to Plug In Third Party Search Engines

There is already a working version of 3rd party search (Sphinx) 
integrated with TikiWiki for the support.mozilla.com site. There is also 
a working implemention of Google search APIs. However, all these efforts 
use separate integration approaches.

We want the ability to easily plugin any third party search system, 
whether it is Sphinx, Google Search or Lucene.

The goal of this project is to:

    * Create a generalized third party search engine interface within
      TikiWiki that will allow for rapid plugging of third party-search
    * Allow for memcache and file system caching of search queries and
    * Support for tag and keyword synonyms, and configuration of this
    * Integrated tag, category and full-text search

Difficulty level and expectations:

    * Moderate to High
    * Experience in search related technologies

Potential mentors:

    * Nelson Ko
    * Sylvie Greverend

      Kaltura - Tikiwiki Collaborative Video Integration

Kaltura <http://www.kaltura.com> (external link) is a platform for 
collaborative video editing wiki-style. This allows for videos to be 
edited within a TikiWiki page, similar to the text, by multiple 
collaborators. Editors can add voiceovers, insert clips, cut-and-paste 
and rearrange clips, add subtitles/other effects.

A proof of concept implementation is already available. The goal of this 
project is to make the proof-of-concept a reality by coding the 
integration components necessary to insert Kaltura collaborative video 
editing into TikiWiki.


    * User account and access control integrations for embedded
      collaborative videos, should be integrated
    * Collaborative video editing history should be integrated
    * Admin panel to configure/setup Kaltura in TikiWiki

Difficulty level and expectations:

    * Moderate
    * Must enjoy editing video, putting up videos on video sites,
      understand web user interface issues, and be able to implement in


    * Nelson Ko
    * Matthew Bickerton

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