[gclUB-info] Re: [gclUB-in fo] difusió G oogle Summer of Code amb TikiWiki

Lluïsa Nuñez lluisanunezaub.edu
Dis Mar 21 11:05:38 CET 2009

Ostres, felicitats per Optics-Tiki. Ara farà un any que li vam
proposar a l'Artur de muntar un MediaWiki per als seu site, i no hem
estat capaços d'aconseguir que s'instal·lés el servidor a temps

Respecte als projectes GSOC, caldria informar els estudiants d'ETIS i
primer al seu cap d'estudis perquè l'inclogui entre les propostes de
projecte de final de carrera (fins ara venien a demanar-nos idees al
centre de Tecnologies) Aquest any la Cap d'Estudis és Petia Ivanova
-surt al directori però sense adreça email :-(


Missatge de Xavier de Pedro <xavier.depedroaub.edu>:

> Hola a tothom:
> Aquest any els de Google han admès un Google Summer of Code (GSOC -
> http://code.google.com/soc/ ) per a Tikiwiki, i ara cal que  se 
> n'assabentin estudiants potencialment interessats, etc.
> Per cert, no sé si sabeu que a la UB ja es poden instal·lar CMS's i
> similars que requereixen mysql... i com no, ja n'hi ha un Tiki 
> instal·lat a www2.ub.edu ;-)
> http://www.ub.edu/optics/tiki
> (encara en fase d'afegir-li contingut, però el tema ja està adaptat
> a 
> l'estètica UB)
> Això em recorda que s'ha d'actualitzar la web del gclub (que empra
> un 
> Tiki vell 1.9.11), així com les dels altres grups a qui oferiem web
> (codiwiki, biolug, ...)
> I es que a la comunitat Tikiwiki s'ha fet un esforç per posar-se al
> dia 
> en coses pendents (web services, temes més macos, interficie més 
> agradable a l'usuari, instal·lació més fàcil, etc.). En menys d'un
> mes 
> surt la nova versió estable Tiki 3 (en menys d'un mes):
> http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki3
> Bé, no m'enrollo, copio a sota el text de les ofertes de GSOC
> Tikiwiki, 
> per comoditat de lectura per als reenviaments, per si creieu oportú
> fer-ne difusió per algun canal que conegueu a gent potencialment
> interessada
> Una abraçada,
> Xavi
> P.D: Tret d'aquí: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/GSOC+Ideas+2009
>   *GSOC Ideas 2009
>   <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=GSOC+Ideas+2009>*
> Please read Google Summer of Code 2009 GSOC 
> for more background information on TikiWiki CMS/Groupware and the
> community. For information on potential mentors, see GSOC Mentors
> Bio 
> 2009
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=GSOC+Mentors+Bio+2009>.
> A very important aspect:
> *"In our case, the GSOC project will be an integral part of
> TikiWiki 
> code (not an optional 3rd party add-on) and thus, the student will
> benefit from feedback from (and interaction with) the broader
> community 
> being involved in setting the requirements, testing, bugfixing, 
> documentation and translation. Our mentors will ensure that
> students' 
> projects and deliverables are well-defined and demarcated, while
> helping 
> the student integrate with the community, so as to provide an
> excellent 
> and fulfilling learning experience"*
> Priority goes to developers who not only provide useful
> functionality 
> for TikiWiki but also that have a real project which will live on
> after 
> GSoC. Eating our own Dogfood <http://tikiwiki.org/DogFood>
> (external 
> link) has proven beneficial for TikiWiki evolution and we think it
> will 
> be good for you too :-)
> For any questions, you can reach 2009 TikiWiki Google Summer of
> code 
> committee at gsocatikiwiki.org <mailto:gsocatikiwiki.org>
> General skills
>     * PHP
>     * Smarty
>     * AdoDB (Database abstraction layer to use MySQL, Postgresql,
> etc)
>     * Zend framework
>     * jQuery
>     * Communication and community coding
>     GSOC Ideas 2009
>       Table of contents
>     * GSOC Ideas 2009
>       <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/GSOC+Ideas+2009#GSOC_Ideas_2009>
>           o Edit UI Revamp Project
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/GSOC+Ideas+2009#Edit_UI_Revamp_Project>
>           o Theme/color scheme generator
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/GSOC+Ideas+2009#Theme_color_scheme_generator>
>           o Official PHP-BB forum and MediaWiki-TikiWiki importer
>           o Embeddable Project Management Widgets
>           o Translation Tools Integration for Cross Lingual Wiki
> Engine
>             project
>           o Basic Ecommerce shopping cart using TikiWiki Trackers
>           o Drag and Drop functionality
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/GSOC+Ideas+2009#Drag_and_Drop_functionality>
>           o Social Networking based on Existing Friends and
> Profiles
>             Features
>           o WebDAV Access to TikiWiki File Galleries
>           o Generalized Interface to Plug In Third Party Search
> Engines
>           o Kaltura - Tikiwiki Collaborative Video Integration
>       Edit UI Revamp Project
> The current interface provided to users to edit wiki page content
> has 
> been criticized for being confusing for users, because there are
> too 
> many fields for information cluttering up the screen. The strategy
> to 
> overcome this is to hide information/input fields by default, using
> UI 
> elements such as twisters to expose necessary UI to show more 
> information/input fields, combined with an overall redesign of the
> editing interface. There could also be semi-intelligent exposing of
> information/input fields depending on context and "helpers" that
> popup 
> providing hints for users.
> The Edit UI Revamp design process is already well underway. The
> goal of 
> the GSOC project is to implement a consistent look and feel for the
> editing interface for TikiWiki. The specs are already almost
> complete 
> and it is the student's role to implement the code necessary to
> create 
> this UI based on these specifications. The student will get the 
> opportunity to contribute his own ideas to refine the existing 
> specifications.
> See EditUIRevamp 
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=EditUIRevamp> for more
> information.
> Potential mentors:
>     * Rick Sapir
>     * Gary Cunningham-Lee
>     * luci aka luciash d' being
>     * Marc Laporte
> Difficulty level:
> Moderate
> Required skills/interests
>     * Strong background in Usability.
>     * Interest in TikiWiki as a whole as the whole application will
> need
>       to be gone through and making the UI nicer and more
> consistant.
>       Theme/color scheme generator
> TikiWiki lacks a theme generator, i.e. a tool for non-technical
> users 
> (users who do not know CSS), to customize colors of each and every
> different element in the interface. The Theme generator will allow
> the 
> user to select colors from a color picker, and define them for
> elements 
> in any existing theme.
> Please see:
> http://themes.tikiwiki.org/TikiThemeGenerator (external link)
> Difficulty level and expectations:
>     * Low to moderate
>     * Needs to know CSS well
> Potential mentors:
>     * Gary Cunningham-Lee
>     * luci aka luciash d' being
>     * Marc Laporte
>       Official PHP-BB forum and MediaWiki-TikiWiki importer
> Potential mentors:
>     * Patrice Weber
>     * Nelson Ko
> Difficulty level and expectations:
>     * Moderate
>     * Knowledge and familiarity with wiki syntax
>     * SQL / MySQL knowledge and experience required
>     * Data migration
> A number of community members have a number of task
> specific-scripts to 
> import MediaWiki content, as well as PHP-BB forum content into
> TikiWiki. 
> However, there is a need for an official import script that is in
> the 
> core of TikiWiki, as these scripts were task specific and not 
> generalized enough.
> The student's role will be to study these existing scripts, as well
> as 
> propose and develop new/better approach to solving the same
> problem, and 
> together with the mentor, develop importers that will be part of
> the 
> core distribution of TikiWiki.
>       Embeddable Project Management Widgets
> TikiWiki already has all the tools available to conduct project 
> management, and pilot implementations already exist. The goal of
> this 
> project is to glue together various features of TikiWiki,
> calendars, 
> trackers, wiki pages, and through the development of new
> wiki-plugin 
> code, to provide a tool set of project management widgets that can
> be 
> used to create project management dashboards.
> These widgets will be able to:
>     * Display and allow editing of status of tasks
>     * Provide a visual representation of task completion
>     * Provide a summary of who is doing what (task assignment and
>       responsibilities)
> Please see project management 
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=project+management>
> for 
> more information
> www.projectmanagementwiki.org (external link) 
> <http://www.projectmanagementwiki.org>
> Potential mentors:
>     * Marc Laporte
>     * Jean Georgiadis MBA, ing, PMP
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Management_Professional>
>       (external link)
>     * Régis Barondeau
> Difficulty level:
> Low to moderate
> Required skills/interests
>     * Good overall understanding of project management.
>     * Experience with existing Project management applications an
> asset.
>       Translation Tools Integration for Cross Lingual Wiki Engine
> project
> The Cross Lingual Wiki Engine project aims at designing, developing
> and 
> testing lightweight wiki tools to support communities that 
> collaboratively create and maintain content in multiple
> languages.
> The project was started in November 2007, and thus far, we have 
> implemented basic features which could be used by a community of 
> motivated and technically sophisticated users, to collaboratively
> produce multilingual content in simple scenarios.
> The GSOC project is specifically aimed at integrating translation
> tools 
> (both online services such as translate.google.com, open source 
> dictionary and terminology software, as well as text alignment
> tools.
> Such tools could include:
>    1. PhpDictionary:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdictionary/
>       (external link)
>    2. GlossWord: http://sourceforge.net/projects/glossword/
> (external link)
>    3. bitext2tmx: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitext2tmx/
> (external
>       link)
>    4. PHP implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm
>       http://en.giswiki.net/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#PHP
> (external link)
> Mentors:
>     * Alain Désilets
>     * Seb Paquet
>     * Xavier de Pedro
> See www.wiki-translation.com (external link) 
> <http://www.wiki-translation.com> for details.
> *Level of difficulty:* Medium.
>       Basic Ecommerce shopping cart using TikiWiki Trackers
> TikiWiki already has the ability to manage product lists &
> descriptions. 
> There is already a working version of basic online ordering 
> functionality. The goal of this project is to extend this
> functionality 
> into a basic but complete ecommerce shopping cart, by coding the
> glue 
> between different features.
> Features to be added:
> * "Add to cart" button in wiki pages
> * A simple cart (external link) like this (external link)
> * better https handling
> * link to PayPal and Google Checkout
> * Email confirmations
> Please see: Shopping Cart 
> <http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Shopping+Cart>
> Potential mentors:
>     * Marc Laporte
>     * Tom Aratyn
>     * Matthew Bickerton
> Difficulty level:
> Moderate
> Special skills required:
>     * Knowledge of e-commerce shopping carts
>       Drag and Drop functionality
> The goal of this project is to make use of Jquery AJAX libraries
> (and 
> other libraries if needed), to build drag-and-drop and autosave 
> functionality into the following components of TikiWiki.
> The following are needed:
>     * Drag & Drop files into file galleries from Desktop
>     * Add, move, modify events in calendar via drag and drop
>     * Drag & drop arranging of items in categories
> Possible mentors:
>     * Patrice Weber
>     * Nelson Ko
> Difficulty level:
> Moderate
> Required skills/interests
>     * Good knowledge of JavaScript and how AJAX works
>     * jQuery
>       Social Networking based on Existing Friends and Profiles
> Features
>     * Implement easily customizable user profiles and inter-user
>       interactions, thus enabling social networking with Tiki by
>       extending the existing Tiki Friends and User Profiles
> features.
> The features that have to be added to Tiki Friends and User
> Profiles are:
>     * Enhanced customizable friends list that shows
> pictures/information
>       based on admin/user defined settings
>     * Search and filter friends list based on criteria
>     * Allow for viewing of friends of friends
>     * Allow for classifying of friends with tags
> Difficulty level and expectations:
>     * Moderate
>     * Good understanding of social networking
>     * Knowledge of SQL/MySQL required
> Potential mentors:
>     * Seb Paquet
>     * Morgan Tocker
>     * Nelson Ko
> Related links
> http://www.phpbeer.com/ (external link)
>       WebDAV Access to TikiWiki File Galleries
> The TikiWiki File Galleries is already a full featured system that
> includes version control on uploaded files. The next step is the
> adding 
> of the capability to upload and manage files via WEBDAV.
> The goals of this project is to:
>     * There is already some WEBDAV work being done in TikiWiki.
> This
>       project will finish off this work.
>     * Implement Webdav access to file galleries from Open Office
>     * Implement a large file uploader that will upload large files
> via
>       WEBDAV interface.
> Possible mentors:
>     * Patrice Weber
>     * Nelson Ko
> Difficulty level:
> Moderate to high
> Skills required:
>     * Knowledge and experience with WEBDAV
>     * Knowledge and experience with document management
>       Generalized Interface to Plug In Third Party Search Engines
> There is already a working version of 3rd party search (Sphinx) 
> integrated with TikiWiki for the support.mozilla.com site. There is
> also 
> a working implemention of Google search APIs. However, all these
> efforts 
> use separate integration approaches.
> We want the ability to easily plugin any third party search system,
> whether it is Sphinx, Google Search or Lucene.
> The goal of this project is to:
>     * Create a generalized third party search engine interface
> within
>       TikiWiki that will allow for rapid plugging of third
> party-search
>       engines.
>     * Allow for memcache and file system caching of search queries
> and
>       results
>     * Support for tag and keyword synonyms, and configuration of
> this
>     * Integrated tag, category and full-text search
> Difficulty level and expectations:
>     * Moderate to High
>     * Experience in search related technologies
> Potential mentors:
>     * Nelson Ko
>     * Sylvie Greverend
>       Kaltura - Tikiwiki Collaborative Video Integration
> Kaltura <http://www.kaltura.com> (external link) is a platform for
> collaborative video editing wiki-style. This allows for videos to
> be 
> edited within a TikiWiki page, similar to the text, by multiple 
> collaborators. Editors can add voiceovers, insert clips,
> cut-and-paste 
> and rearrange clips, add subtitles/other effects.
> A proof of concept implementation is already available. The goal of
> this 
> project is to make the proof-of-concept a reality by coding the 
> integration components necessary to insert Kaltura collaborative
> video 
> editing into TikiWiki.
> Requirements:
>     * User account and access control integrations for embedded
>       collaborative videos, should be integrated
>     * Collaborative video editing history should be integrated
>     * Admin panel to configure/setup Kaltura in TikiWiki
> Difficulty level and expectations:
>     * Moderate
>     * Must enjoy editing video, putting up videos on video sites,
>       understand web user interface issues, and be able to
> implement in
>       PHP/Smarty
> Mentors:
>     * Nelson Ko
>     * Matthew Bickerton


Lluïsa Nuñez
Universitat de Barcelona
Àrea de Tecnologies

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