[Bdi4emc-help] problem with BDI 4.3 and ppmc

Paul bdi-emc at ntlworld.com
Thu Dec 29 03:04:16 CET 2005

On Wednesday 28 December 2005 05:54, beaufait at mchsi.com wrote:
> When we try to move an axis EMC errors off with a follow error. We have
> checked and there is no voltage being sent out of the DAC card from EMC. It
> works fine with the PPMC diagnostics. Just noting with EMC.  Anyone running
> EMC BDI 4.3 with PPMC.

I did some preliminary tests with the help of Jon Elson back in April. Only 
had one motor attached, but it did spin up in response to MDI and jogs. One 
of two things spring to mind..

1) You are using the wrong IO controller - Set EMCIO = ppmcbridgeportio

2) Alternatively, the ENABLE_INDEX for each axis needs inverting.

Regards, Paul.

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