[Bdi4emc-help] Install Help please

Paul bdi-emc at ntlworld.com
Sat Dec 24 13:38:31 CET 2005

Hi Arthur

On Friday 23 December 2005 23:36, Arthur Butler wrote:
> Well, the "automatic" install works a little better, at least it boots,
> but the user account I created doesn't exist, so I cannot do a graphical
> login-root is blocked. Logging into a command prompt I've looked again
> at the log files. install.log this time has the list of packages
> installed, then those available which weren't installed, then says:
> Changing configs on 23-12-2005
> User name not found - anaconda bug ?
> root login not allowed by kdm

This is usually a result of not creating a usr account, but you say you had. 
There was a problem with upper case characters in the usr name silently 
causing the account creation to fail (which should be fixed..). Any chance 
you can remember the name and passwd used ?

> I'm wondering about trying either a minimal install with lvm, or running
> the upgrade script on the partially working version.

The upgrade script on the CD is only there for pre BDI-4.24 installs. Running 
it on a fresh 4.30 install shouldn't have any effect. As for LVM support, the 
dm-mod.ko module is compiled, so in theory, LVM should work. However, this is 
another area that I haven't tested or used (too little time). The most likely 
reason LVM failed may be because dm-mod hasn't been added to the /etc/modules 
If this is the case, it would be a bug in the anaconda sources and more bug 
hunts for me.. I had got LVM earmarked for removal if/when additional space 
was required for other packages..

If you already have another computer running a Debian install, there is 
nothing to stop you from using the emc & kernel packages - I know of a couple 
of users who have installed the debs on Ubuntu systems with little 

Regards, Paul.

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