[Solar-ututo-e] Novedades para UTUTO-e
Daniel Olivera -(Mate.Cosido)
dolivera en solar.org.ar
Dom Ago 15 16:51:52 CEST 2004
icecast- (Audio Streaming Server - 686 and up)
darkice-0.14 (Conector to live audio in Icecast - 686 and up)
fake-1.1.8 (Fake has been designed to switch in backup servers on a LAN. In particular it has been designed to backup Mail, Web and Proxy servers during periods of both unscheduled and scheduled down time. Fake allows you to take over the IP address of another machine in the LAN by bringing up an additional interface and making use of ARP spoofing. The additional interface can be either a physical interface or an IP alias - 686 and up)
genkernel-3.0.2 (Kernel generator - All)
heartbeat-1.2.2.sh (Heartbeat high availability cluster manager - 686 and up)
mon- ( - 686 and up)
nessus-2.0.12 (highly configurable service monitoring daemon - 686 and up)
sarg- (Squid server analisis - 686 and up)
shorewall-2.0.7 (Iptables based firewall - All)
squid-2.5.6 (Accelerator and Proxy web server - 686 and up)
linuxvideostudio-0.1.7 (small-'n-simple GUI for the MJPEG-tools - 686 and up)
mp3blaster-3.2.0 (Command line MP3 player - All)
ogle-0.9.2 (Full featured DVD player that supports DVD menus - 686 and up)
xawtv-3.93 (TV application for the bttv driver - 686 and up)
kdevelop-3.1.0 (KDevelop is an easy to use C/C++ IDE for Unix. It supports KDE/Qt, GNOME, plain C and C++ projects. - 686 and up)
Grupo de Desarrollo de UTUTO-e
Mate.Cosido (..aun fuera de la ley)
(* UTUTO-e GNU System + Linux *)
(* 2.6.7 / XOrg compilado con gcc 3.4 *)
Daniel Olivera (Mate.Cosido) -- Linux #267582 - AR #1832
Telefono particular: 4207-1701 / 7688 - Cel: 5637-5979
Id gnupg: 0x889D8149 -- Servidor: pgpkeys.netsys.com.ar
ICQ: 8368437 -- AIM/Yahoo: doliveralinux -- MSN : No uso
Jabber: jabber.netsys.com.ar / ususario: mate.cosido
Estudien mucho para poder dominar la tecnica que permite
dominar la naturaleza. CHE
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