[Solar-general] Economically Independent Machines

Pablo Manuel Rizzo info en pablorizzo.com
Jue Jun 29 17:40:31 CEST 2017

Marcos, no estoy seguro pero me parece que Ethereum está previsto que pase a trabajar de esa manera dentro de unos pocos meses, o algo muy similar, dejaría de crearse o distribuirse por minería. Puede ser?

28 de junio del 2017 22:40, "Marcos G." <marcos en ovejafm.com> escribió:
> mmm
> https://blog.iota.org/automating-machine-transactions-and-building-trust-in-the-4th-industrial-
> revolution-d3219a157396
> "Economically Independent Machines
> By adding an IOTA node, a machine will be transformed into an ‘economically independent machine’ 
> with its ability to transact with other machines and to manage its own profit and loss statement.
> In the near future, as a consequence, we can expect that a machine will be able to pay its 
> assembly, its maintenance, its energy and also for its liability insurance by giving data, 
> computing power, storage or physical services to other machines. For the first time in history a 
> device will be in a position to earn and spend money on its own. At this point a machine turns 
> into an entity that tracks revenue and expenditure from its own activities."
> -- 
> Marcos Guglielmetti
>> :::::::::::::::::: M U S I X ::::::::::::::::::::: 
>> www.musixdistro.wordpress.com
> www.bosquedealimentos.org
> ((*J*)) 
>> "The beginning of the mistake is from growing meat for the king and wine for the church." 
> (http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC14/Fukuoka.htm)
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