[Solar-general] Sistema 'open source' para ayudar a los ciegos con tecnologia de ultrasonido

Fernando Marcelo el.zoona en gmail.com
Jue Ago 19 04:57:15 CEST 2010


WuFu is an open hardware and open source aid for blind people. Its
name derives from the chinese expression “five bats” which denotes a
symbol of luck and a long life. Like a bat, WuFu uses ultrasonic
distance measurements. These are carried out by sensors on opaque
glasses and are translated to vibrations of two motors. The motors are
attached to the wrists of the wearer. The glasses hence can be used to
gain a tactile feeling of the distances that make up the surrounding
space. In addition, a compass sensor is used to provide feedback on
the direction the wearer is heading in.

Hard- and software documentation of the project will be available soon.

Si bien se uso el termino "open" para describir el proyecto, es
genial, no solo por la idea, sino porque el resto de las empresas
pueden materializar el aparato sin pagar regalias, permitiendo que se
produzca localmente algo que de otra manera solo seria accesible para
"US, Canada, UK & Australia" como suele ser siempre.

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