[Solar-general] El verdadero vinculo Microsoft-UTN

Martín Olivera martin.olivera en gmail.com
Vie Sep 4 16:57:54 CEST 2009

todo este ruido me hizo buscar y buscar, me habian dicho varios los vinculos
fuertes entre UTN y Microsoft

ya encontre alguien para mirar de cerca:

Uriel Cukierman es Secretario de Tecnogias de la Informacion y
Comunicaciones de UTN

y fue antes de eso el Presidente de Microsoft Research LatinAmerican
Advisory Board ;)

BINGO para Microsoft que se esconde atrás de la (ex) universidad obrera!



URIEL CUKIERMAN, Argentina, Member

Uriel Cukierman received his Professional Degree in Electronic Engineering
from the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Argentina) and the Master Degree
in Enterprise Information Systems Management from the Universidad
Politecnica de Madrid (Spain). He is the Information and Communication
Technologies Secretary (CIO) in the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional and
also an Associate Professor of Informatics at the same University. He is
also a researcher specialized in Learning Technologies, and a Consultant for
the National Education Ministry in Distance Learning projects.
Hecontributed nationally to RIU (National Universities Network) as a
member of
its Administrating Committee. Formerly, he was a consultant for the National
Communication Secretary in national projects for reducing the digital
divide. He is the Former Chairman of the Microsoft Research Latin American
Advisory Board.

opino en http://blog.martinolivera.com.ar
skype: hablatincho
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