Re: [Solar-general] ¿Qué opinan de OLPC?

Sebastian Bassi sbassi en
Mie Ene 7 07:05:43 CET 2009

2009/1/7 Diego Saravia <dsa at>:
> documento sobre la educacion del banco mundial
> solo por poner un moderado opinando
> banco mundial olpc y microsoft

OK, prometo leer esto mañana. Ahora voy a dormir, pero mirando asi por
arriba queda claro que no es un plan del BM, sino que a lo sumo el BM
"compró" el proyecto de Negroponte.

> y hay muchos mas, obviamente es una politica decidida al mas alto nivel del BM
> a confesion de parte relevo de pruebas

Aca es donde Negroponte quiere convencer a los directivos de BM para
que compren el proyecto, y sobre esto:

> One of the things it does by the way, because we get criticized for
> destroying the student-teacher relationship, which is total rubbish.

Dice que se lo critica por eso (por destruir la relacion
alumno-profesor) pero que es un "sinsentido" (rubbish). De hecho según
él, sirve para forjar amistad porque el chico le enseña al adulto el
uso de la PC.

Aca la frase en contexto:

One of the questions I commonly get is, "Who's going to teach the
teachers how to teach the students how to use the computers?" and I
wonder what planet that person is on. I truly wonder "where do they
come from." I'm sure there's not a person in this room who has a child
or a niece or a nephew, but let's say a child, whom that you do not
ask for help on your computer or with your cell phone. Including me;
I've been doing it all my life. I still ask, or used to ask when my
son was home. You always ask children for help.
One of the things it does by the way, because we get criticized for
destroying the student-teacher relationship, which is total rubbish.
One of the things is when parents ask their children for help, and
maybe there are people young enough in this room who were asked by
their parents, your relationship with your parents changes. It's kind
of a friendship that gets developed, self-esteem on the child's point
of view.


Aca dice que lo que falló fue un plan frances en el 83 y que temen que
pase lo mismo con la OLPC.

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