[Solar-general] [jugo][Fwd: [Team] “peace agreement” with SOLAR, Vía Libre, FSFs?]]

Juan Carlos Gentile Fagundez jucar en hipatia.info
Sab Ago 1 02:27:02 CEST 2009

Interesante ver esta frase de rms:

"But it is better just to ignore them unless a lot of others start
paying attention."

es como una 'cara oculta' de rms, miren miren....


To: team en fsfla.org
From: Alexandre Oliva <lxoliva en fsfla.org>
Organization: Free thinker, not speaking for FSF Latin America
Subject: [Team] “peace agreement” with SOLAR, Vía Libre, FSFs?
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The Caracas Declaration brought about some significant amount of noise
from our usual friends in Argentina and elsewhere.

Hipatia's Juan Carlos Gentile didn't miss a beat before attacking us,
SOLAR's Martín Olivera disputed our legitimacy, misunderstood and
questioned the misunderstood suggestion of setting aside long-past
historical differences, and SOLAR's Diego Saravia insisted on the
agreement that he wanted us to sign with SOLAR long ago.


My first reaction to the thought of the agreement with SOLAR was the
same as then: what's in it for us, what would the point be?

But then I started pondering that RMS has managed quite a feat in his
upcoming visit to Argentina, getting both groups to play along sort-of
together, I thought we might use this very opportunity to establish a
truce in Argentina.

Say, rather than an agreement with SOLAR, we could suggest a multi-party
agreement, with both SOLAR and Vía Libre in Argentina, FSFLA and other
FSFes that got involved in the mess, and maybe even Hipatia.

The agreement might be as simple as a commitment to mutual respect and
recognition for each others' relevance, and some wording about
encouraging, supporting and maybe even cooperating in activities that
promote software freedom.

If such an agreement comes about, it might cancel out much of the
resistance that FSFLA encounters in Argentina and Uruguay, and the
scenario may be further opened for cooperation between organizations
that have failed to cooperate because of personal issues between some of
their leaders, and we accomplish that remaining neutral rather than
taking sides.

If any of the organizations steps back, well, too bad, but it's not us
who rejected an honest attempt at cooperation for our shared goals.


Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    http://FSFLA.org/~lxoliva/
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! -- http://FSFLA.org/   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist      Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer
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From: Richard Stallman <rms en gnu.org>
To: Alexandre Oliva <lxoliva en fsfla.org>
Cc: team en fsfla.org
Subject: Re: [Team]
	“peace agreement” with SOLAR, Vía Libre, FSFs?
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    It seems very insane to me, but they seem quite set on that line of
    reasoning.  It seems like they want so badly for someone to pay back to
    them that they can't let it go of us :-(

    Under this light, it was certainly a mistake to try to have some
    appearance of continuity.  But I'm not sure that announcing we were
    starting from scratch, leaving behind even the public web site and past
    annoucements and writings, would have been enough to clear up their
    obsession.  The name FSFLA itself is cursed, they say ;-(

Don't worry about it.

    Indeed.  They explicitly reject this notion, claiming we inherited all
    the history associated with the name, and therefore we're responsible
    for making up to them for whatever other groups that used the same name,
    and did to them, even before they created the organization with that

If they said this in a public message, it should be easy to show
that it not valid criticism.

But it is better just to ignore them unless a lot of others start
paying attention.
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