[Solar-general] era: "hola" , es: "eramos pocos y se metió un intruso"

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Vie Jun 15 02:27:05 CEST 2007

El Viernes, 15 de Junio de 2007 03:25, Sebastian Bassi escribió:
 | On 6/14/07, Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica en gmail.com> wrote:
 | > ¿Cómo llamarías a una migración como la que propone Musix en la cual se
 | > propone: usar el Live-CD todos los días que fuere necesario para
 | > acostumbrarse y ver si cumple con tus necesidades, si acaso no lo
 | > hiciera, ponerse en contacto para ver qué hacer falta resolver (crear
 | > SL), y luego de que la persona esté segura, reemplace su sistema Windows
 | > por Musix?
 | Utopica.
 | Pipe dream
 | Dream on
 | Irreal
 | Fantastica
 | Se me acabaron los adjetivos :)

Aquí hay otra gente bien nuevita que parece real... a mis ojos, y es "fairly 
new to Linux": "realmente nuevo en Linux"

"[Musix-users] WiFi in Musix?
Jerry Jai <jjai_01 en yahoo.com>
musix-users en lists.ourproject.org
14/06/07 23:01
First of all, thanks to everyone who has worked on the
Musix project -- it appears to have everything someone
would need to start making music on thier computer -- 
I'm really impressed.

I'm fairly new to Linux (experimented a couple years
ago but didn't get far).  So far, I've been been able
(mostly) to figure out how to install Musix and get it
running - but I'm having troubles fine tuning it.

One problem I'm running into is with getting WiFi to
work.  Musix doesn't seem to recognize my USB wifi
adapter.  (It's a DLink DWL-120 with Atmel chipset.)

I tried installing the Berlios Atmel drivers
(http://at76c503a.berlios.de/) after executing
"restore-dev.sh" and "apt-get install
linux-headers-2.6.21 linux-source-2.6.21"

However, I can't seem to make the driver without
errors.  The driver make routine can't find the kernel
"/build" directory.

When I go to look for the kernel source, I can't find
it manually, either.  When I go to where I think the
kernel is (/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.21) and type
"make menuconfig" it just gives me an error and boots
me back to the prompt.

I tried ndiswrapper, but couldn't get that
work either.  That's when I realized that the wifi
adapter isn't being recognized when I hotplug it. 
(When I plug it in, I hear the hard drive spin for a
second, but when I do a lsmod, the card doesn't show

Also, perhaps it's unrelated, but when I boot up, the
boot hangs on a udev error for a long time (2-3
minutes) before the boot continues.  This happens
right after the system is autoconfiguring hardware.

FYI, I did a "beginner" HD install.

Again, I'm a real Linux newbie, so if I'm saying
things that don't make sense, it's probably because I
don't know what I'm talking about!

Thanks in advance!"

      #    Marcos Guglielmetti, co-director de               
      #   Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre para artistas      
     _#_       http://www.musix.org.ar           
    / O \    + archivos: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix
   ( === )   Ecología: http://autosus.wordpress.com    
    `---'    Personal: http://marcospcmusica.wordpress.com

Oid ¡mortales! el grito sagrado: ¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!

(Primeras palabras del Himno Nacional Argentino...)

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