[Solar-general] Marca Linux y LUGs, conversacion con Maddog

Diego Saravia dsa en unsa.edu.ar
Lun Ago 22 01:53:29 CEST 2005

copio parte de un mail que intercambie con maddog en relacion a la marca Linux
y los LUGS

> >I think that a big issue in southamerica are linux users groups.
> We understand, and we are trying to deal with it.
> But we also 
> realize that LUGs do not have much money, and we are struggling to 
> separate profit making corporations from non-profit groups and non-
> revenue groups.  Also issues of groups in underdeveloped countries.
> A question was asked if we would charge the same amounts for 
> companies in China that made the equivalent of 1,000,000 USD.  We 
> pointed out that if a company in China made 1,000,000 USD, it was a 
> large company indeed, and could afford the license price.  But you 
> are right, LUGs are a special case, and we are trying to address them.

Diego Saravia 
dsa en unsa.edu.ar

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Diego Saravia 
dsa en unsa.edu.ar

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