Re: [Solar-general] ¿se es tarán copiando de Ututo -e?

Angel "Java" Lopez webmaster en
Jue Abr 21 22:11:22 CEST 2005

Hola gente!

Agregaria un pequenio dato: el lenguaje B fue en realidad, precedido por el BCPL. Ese tambien tenia solo variables de una palabra. El compilador de BCPL estaba escrito en BCPL, y se escribia a si mismo, creo que emitia parte del ejecutable en una especie de maquina virtual, escrita en BCPL. Para portarlo, habia que portar esa especie de maquina virtual...etc... no recuerdo los detalles, era interesante ... creo que fue Martin Richards el creador de todo eso.... A su vez, se inspiro en un lenguaje "ideal", el CPL (Computer Programming Language), que nunca se llego a implementar completamente creo.... Mas info desde Google, como:

Nos leemos!

Angel "Java" Lopez

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ignacio Vissani 
  To: La lista de todos y todas en solar 
  Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [Solar-general] ¿se es tarán copiando de Ututo -e?

  Creo que la última cita responde a tu pregunta

  "En 1951, Grace Murray Hooper (1906-1992) da la primera noción de compilador y más tarde desarrolla el COBOL. Pero fue John Backus, en 1957, el que desarrolla el primer compilador para FORTRAN. En 1958, John MacCarthy propone el LISP, un lenguaje orientado a la realización de aplicaciones en el ámbito de la Inteligencia Artificial. Casi de forma paralela, Alan Perlis, John Backus y Peter Naur desarrollan el lenguaje ALGOL."

  " The first C compiler writers had a variation on the ChickenAndEggProblem. They needed to write C compilers. C made a great language for writing C compilers. Of course, you couldn't actually compile your first C compiler until you wrote a C compiler. This sounds like a paradox, but it really wasn't. You would simply build up a compiler from a hybrid of C and assembly, perhaps even hand assembling some of the C. As your compiler got better, you'd eventually port more and more of the compiler to C. Eventually you'd have a C compiler written completely in C, which could compile itself. Each C compiler could then give birth to better C compilers. [C evolved from B [see BeeLanguage], which already had a compiler written in B. However, that compiler was a rewrite of a B compiler written in TMG, and the compiler for the implementation of TMG used was written in an assembly language for the PDP7. I assume the assembler ultimately derived from a 'hand-assembled' program. See DennisRitchie's account at]"



  The first compiler was developed in 1952 by Grace Hopper, a pioneering computer scientist. She said that she invented it because she was lazy and wished that "the programmer may return to being a mathematician." She is also well known for her important role in the development of the COBOL programming language (which is still in widespread use for business applications), including the development of the first COBOL compiler. 

  The number of compilers grew swiftly accompanying the proliferation of programming languages and processors and the advances in compiler technology. The 1990s saw a surge in the introduction of free compilers and compiler development tools, including open source compilers developed as part of the GNU project. 

  The highly regarded GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) is considered by many to be the most important piece of open source software. Formerly called the GNU C Compiler, it now contains compilers for the C, C++, Objective C, Fortran, Java and Ada programming languages. It has been ported to (i.e., modified to run on) more processors and operating systems than any other compiler, and it runs on in excess of 60 platforms (i.e., combinations of processors and operating systems)."

  "-Which was the first compiler ? And in which language was it written in?
   -The first complier was the A-0, written by Grace Hopper. It was made from assembly." 

  On 4/21/05, Sebastian Bassi <sbassi en> wrote:
    On 4/21/05, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman <buanzo en> wrote:
    > El gcc :)

    Y que compilo primero el GCC? Al huevo o a la gallina?
    Mas en serio: ¿Con que se compilo el primer compilador? 
    (no creo que se haya escrito en lenguaje maquina).

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  Ignacio Vissani
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