[Solar-general] Mas cosas para UTUTO-e

Daniel Olivera (mate.cosido) daniel en netsys.com.ar
Lun Mayo 24 14:13:00 CEST 2004

El Mon, 24 May 2004 08:10:42 -0300
Jose <jose en puertorock.com.ar> escribio:

> Hola Daniel:
> Che... podr_s comentarnos cuales son las ventajas/desventajas de
> instalar uno u otro servidor X? 

BAsicamente que aparece otra opcion para usar.

Ademas al parecer el ultimo cambio en la licencia de Xfree podria ser
incompatible con la GPL.


About the X11R6.7.0 Release

The X.Org repository is based on XFree86 4.4 RC2. Just before its 4.4
release, XFree86 adopted a new license possibly incompatible with the
GPL. For this reason, we have recreated its tree as closely as possible
without importing files affected by the new license. The monolithic tree
is being referred to as simply "XOrg".

X11R6.7.0 contains substantial updates beyond XFree86 4.4RC2, as
mentioned in the X11R6.7.0 release notes, including updated versions of
Render, Xft, and fontconfig, and a greatly improved Cygwin/X port. 

Mate.Cosido (..aun fuera de la ley)
(* UTUTO-e / 2.6.6 / XOrg compilado con gcc 3.4 *)

Daniel Olivera (Mate.Cosido) -- Linux #267582 - AR #1832
Telefono particular: 4207-1701 / 7688 - Cel: 5637-5979

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IPv4: www.netsys.com.ar -- IPv6: netsys.6dns.org
Id gnupg: 0x889D8149 -- Servidor: pgpkeys.netsys.com.ar

ICQ: 8368437 -- AIM/Yahoo: doliveralinux -- MSN : No uso
Jabber: jabber.netsys.com.ar / ususario: mate.cosido

Estudien mucho para poder dominar la tecnica que permite
dominar la naturaleza. CHE
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